Thursday, August 28, 2014

August 26, 2014

It's been a week of goodbyes to the Coopers.  It's hard to see them leave.  I will expecially miss working with her everyday.  She made work fun, also she kept me from falling!  Don't know why I am so clumsy all the time.  Anyway, we were a pair!  Coopers last workday was Wednesday.  We had a combined Seamstress and Wardrobe party for her that day.  Not much work accomplished.  It was fun, both Fatai and Cathy liked Sister Cooper and wanted to do something special.  They made a RAT piñata and RAT cupcakes.  This is very fitting for the 26 rats we caught and Elder Cooper and Elder Nielson had to clean up.  We had Mexican Party and made taco salads.  Not the usual Polynesian food, but everyone had fun.

Cathy and Fatai

Sister Cooper and Cathy with
RAT Piñata 

Fatai and Eliza with quilt from Seamstress

RAT Cupcake

Sister Tremea, Sister Cooper and Sister Dispain (new sister for Wardrobe)

Elder and Sister Cooper

Eight couples took Cooper's and Cardnal's out for dinner at Turtle Bay on Friday.  The Cardnal's will be leaving in three weeks for Canada.  This morning we took Coopers to the Airport with Elder and Sister Pollock.  It was an early morning sacrifice….4:00 am.  We had them to the Airport by 6:00 am. Dropped them off, and said Good Bye.  We already miss them.  On way home we stopped at Denny's in Kaneohoe and had breakfast.  Came home and slept two hours had a good cry and went to work. My Father always told me to have a good cry and go to work and everything will be alright… that's what we do family…...Happy Homecoming to you in Logan Coopers.

After work we walked to the beach.  Castle Beach still looks the same.  I think we counted 6 people on the beach.  Wish it was in our backyard to run to.

Some kind of tree trunk

Beach Walk

We have been having good speakers at our FHE meetings.  We had a former Mission President, Richard Holzapfel, from Alanta Georgia.  He told us of the changes that were made during the time of the election two years ago.  The Bible Belt Christians didn't believe we were Christians.  He said because of Romney running in the election he made a tremendous difference how the people there thought about the Latter Day Saints and our Religion.   This week we had Brother and Sister MaCarther.  He is our Stake President.  They told their conversion story.

Friday we worked at the PCC at night.  Saturday we did a run to Costco.  We drove to KoOlina and further to the end of the road on the West side of the Island.  We had not seen the beautiful beaches on the West Side.  The waves were big for young surfers.  We came back and walked around KoOlina and then picked up grocery's and gas and made the complete drive around the Island.  We seem to keep going around in circles!

Miles of beautiful white sandy beaches

Beautiful water and foliage 

Green mountains with beach below

Back to KoOlina on the Beach and continued around Island for home

The Sabbath day is always a good renewal day.  Our Ward grew by 40 new members this past week. Kids are coming back for the Fall Semester.  I met with the Relief Society Sisters.  The Presidency is combined of only Polynesians this time.  They are on top of things.  Good group of Sisters.  If you have some get acquainted games for youth pass them on to me.  I could use some ideas.

Large Avocado given to us at work

This is a Passion Fruit, you eat the seeds and center part.  Suppose to bring more passion into your life!!!
Also the Polynesians make Lilikoi Jam and Jelly with this fruit.   It's yummy. 
Aunt Mary's Granddaughter was married last week.  The wedding was at Stirling's Home in Huntsville.  Mark and Becky were able to go and sent us some pictures.  Congratulations are in order.  Love and miss you Mary.
Shane, Mary and Stirling

Mr and Mrs Jeremy Haskell and Stirling, proud Father of the Bride Shaylie Fuller
Brent and Gail, Stirling and Kari and Becky

I can't believe I have two beautiful 16, and 17, year old Granddaughters who are going to the Desert Hills Homecoming Dance with non Mormon Boys!  What's the deal girls, isn't there any LDS boys in St George?  You both have your work cut out for you… you have to be examples of  Daughters of God and teach these boys, that don't hold the Priesthood, how to behave and respect sweet, virtuous, lovely…. Nona's girls.   You can't tell me anything I don't already know….I was young once too.  Well, I'm counting on you to behave  and have a good time….be good…. and remember who you are, then return and tell me all about your dates.  I need pictures too.

Maddie's car…Which note ask you to Homecoming?

Papa and I just returned from the Temple.  We went to the 5:00 pm Session.  Elder and Sister Nielson joined us for the Session.  We saw the new movie.  Very powerful, and I think I like this one the best. Hope you all get to see it.  We send our love and hope all goes well for Scott's surgery tomorrow.  We put your names in the Temple and will keep you in our prayers.

Love you all.
Nona and Papa

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