Monday, August 4, 2014

August 4, 2014

Last week flew by.  We were so busy at work during the day then at PCC in the evening, it was Sunday before we knew it.  Our Ward is growing each week with new students coming back for fall. Also BYUH is renovating two of the Hale's, so students have been forced to look for housing.  One of the students bore his testimony yesterday and said he had been staying with a friend in another Hale, which if they get caught both will be sent home, and also living out of his car.  Our Bishop found out about it and helped him find a place in the Ward to live.  The housing here is a disaster.  It's doesn't seem to be getting any better for the future either.

The new Marriott Hotel is being built.  We have been watching the progress.  The cement blocks are starting on the 3rd floor.  Also, a new McDonald's is starting from ground up.  The new Market Place at PCC will be opening early next year too.  We won't be here for all the grand openings, but it is exciting to see some changes here in Laie.

We had humid hot days last week.  While working at the Aloha we were breaking off the big tea leaves and making fans.  Actually it worked really good.  Papa didn't quite get the full effect.

Fold leaf in half Papa…..Makes a good Fan.
Elder and Sister Fuller and Sister Tremea

Sewing Department and the Wardrobe Department has been really busy.  We are mending and fixing so many costumes that Phtue said she was tired and her eyes would not work any more.  She needed a nap.  We thought she went to the costume room to rest on a mat, she does that sometimes when she is tired, but we looked up and saw Phtue with a bag on her head getting some shut eye!  Sister Cooper and I had a good laugh.  She comes up with the most simple solutions to our most complex living styles.

Phtue taking a shut eye nap

I have been making some extra large shirts in Seamstress, but last week I had a fun surprise.  I had just finished two shirts 5X for Bert.  When he came to pick up his shirts I asked him for a picture.  He is the nicest guy, he smiled and said sure.  We took his picture and he looked at my name tag and asked if I knew Elder Tremea who served a mission in Fiji.  I said this must have been Tallan Tremea. He smiled and said they were companions in Fiji for a season.  He loved him.  Bert's name is really Ropate Diloi.  The kids pick a new name when they come to school here.  If anyone sees Scott tell him about this kind giant teddy bear guy, who served with his son, who smiles and spreads his testimony of love.

Sister Tremea with Ropate Diloi (Bert) I made his shirts

We had a special treat to see the Broadhead Family last week.  We met them at the PCC and helped them get tickets for the Village, Luau and Ha show.  It was fun to get hugs from St George and see how much their kids had grown.

Sending them off on the Canoe Ride into the Villages

Getting ready to see the Ha Show
Elder and Sister Bott, Sister Fuller, Sister and Elder Tremea, Elder Fuller and Elder and Sister Harris

We gathered with our BYU friends and went to Turtle Bay for dinner.  We sat outside by the pool and ate fish and chips and watched the sun go down.

The news has been warning us of a Hurricane coming our way on Thursday, lasting through the weekend.  The news is predicting high winds, rain, road closures.  I think we will get some extra water and candles.  Hope we can snuggle up in our little place and meet the storm.  Last year we were home for Emily's wedding when a hurricane hit here on the island.  The PCC closed.  We will see what happens this weekend.

Have a good week.  Sounds like the kids are getting ready to go back to school.  The summer is over for them.  Now you will be able to get back on a schedule.

We watch, read, fast and pray for the Lewis family.  We are so hopeful for Kenzie's full recovery.  We have told many here and they too are reading face book.  Our thoughts and prayers are with them everyday.

Kenzie's accident has had an impact on each of you.  We have been uplifted and edified by the Bishops daily Face book entries.  He has virtually brought all of us to a place where we understand how important collective prayer and fasting brings us closer to our Heavenly Father.  He has blessed us all with his humble grateful inner thoughts.  May our Father in Heaven bless all of you as you go about your daily jobs and school.  We love and miss you.

Love Nona and Papa

"Miracles for Makenzie" Lewis is found on Face book

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