Monday, August 18, 2014

August 18, 2014

Some days I wish I was 50 years younger and had the energy to be a young missionary.  We seem to get physically tired early.  So much to do and so many people to help.

The week slipped by fast.  A group of students from New Zealand came to our FHE and shared their testimonies with word and song.  I am finally able to see physical differences of the Polynesian people.
The Maori people have different facial structure.  The students just burst with energy and the spirit of the gospel.

Elder Fuller's new shorts… 
Elder and Sister Fuller

Lunch with Elder and Sister Fuller and President and Mrs Wheelwright
We were invited to attend the BYUH Devotional and Luncheon Tuesday.  Elder Fuller was the speaker and the Devotional Talk is on line.  They invited us to attend the luncheon in their honor after.  Most of the attendees were students, we were the only other couple.  It was an interesting hour to learn about where and what some of the students were doing.  Elder Fuller's Devotional Talk was "Heaven on Earth".  Go to BYUH under Devotionals and you can read the entire talk.  We do outside activities with the Fullers and have learned to love them and their family.

I am still working with my little student Ivy from China.  She hasn't been driving her car as far as I know.  She still wants to push all the buttons.  She lost her pass card to get into the PCC.  Fatai met her at the gate and told her she would have to get another one before she could get into the gate.   Later we found her card buried under material and sewing notions on her sewing machine.   Being a bit organized before leaving home would have helped her!

This is my Ivy...

Sister Cooper and I asked Fatai and Cathy if we could sluff Wednesday and go to Honolulu.  Because they didn't know what sluffing was they agreed.  We planned our day then Denis and Ron decided to go.  We left early, Denis almost got a ticket…they gave him a warning going 50 in 35 zone coming out of the tunnel.  Cops were radar checking and walked out onto the highway and pulled us over. We had a few tense moments.  Just what they needed, an expensive ticket just before they go home.  Cop saw we were all missionaries and just gave him a warning.  We went on to the Aloha Center to the Swap Meet.  It was a fun day together.  Almost felt like we were on vacation.   We were both scheduled to work at the PCC that night so we were home early.

We were working at the Ohana Luau.  We hadn't worked there for awhile and they changed how they roast and serve the pig.  Now they take the pig directly from the pit, the chief cuts it and they eat it that very night.  The pig doesn't look as good as when they serve it the following day because they cook it until it falls apart.  It tastes much better this way.

Preparing pig for dinner.
                 The Show had not changed.  The dancing and music was still the same at the Luau.

I work with Jessica in seamstress and she invited us to dinner Sunday night.  They had prepared enough food for 10 or 12 people.  Jessica is married to Garreth and they are both from Hong Kong. They knew each other before they came to BYUH.  They were married last December.  They were Kevin and Kitty's friends.  We had a fun night with then.  They were asking us questions from the church to the stock market.  They were eager to hear what we had to say.  Jessica's sister Fei was there too.  She is also going to school here.  Their family has five girls and one boy.   Their mother is the only member.  Garreth's family are all members.  His father graduated from BYUH and Garreth was born here in Hawaii so he is American.  They want to graduate and move to Utah.  He does not want to go back to Hong Kong.

Garreth in the kitchen.  I think he is also the cook and cleanup man.

 Sister Tremea, Fei and Jessica

Elder and Sister Tremea and Jessica and Garreth

We had been invited to dinner at Coopers last night with two other couples.  After the party we were walking to our car.  It was dark and our car was parked on side of the street.  I stumbled and fell beside the road and the rock wall.  Needless to say, I am getting old and clumsy.  I hit my head, shoulder and leg.  I have been out for the day.  Ron had a busy day at church without me.    I will live, have black and blue bruises to show for it too.

“Your religion is not just about showing up for church on Sunday. It is about showing up as a true disciple from Sunday morning through Saturday night—24/7. There is no such thing as a part-time disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.” —Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles   

On Sunday morning Sister Tremea was not feeling very well so we agreed that she should stay in bed and not go to Church.  She had some big bruises and she needed more rest.  I went to on my usual Sunday morning schedule which is from 9-12 for Elder's Quorum presidency meeting and ward council.  I came back and checked on my patient and she was up, we again decided that we should not go to our regular church services.  At church the Bishop asked me to call a young man his name is Elliot Koo from Korea to be the Executive Secretary, he accepted the call, I sustained him in Sacrament meeting and set him apart after the meeting.  As a High Councilor I have the opportunity to perform these duties for the Stake President.  I guess I am learning a little bit about the administration of the Lord's Church.

Being on a Mission allows us to be disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ on a 24/7 basis.  Hopefully when we get home we will be able to continue to be disciples of the Lord.  I know the Lord listens to our prayers and provides us many opportunities and also challenges to fulfill our free agency on this earth.  Our goal is to be the best we can when serving the Lord and the people we come in contact with.  Remember when you are in the service of your fellow being you are also in the service of the Lord.

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