Friday, September 5, 2014

September 5th, 2014

September 5, 2014

Another week has passed us by, time is flying fast.  Last week our good friends the Cooper's went home, it is amazing how we become goods friends with the missionaries.  We will certainly have places to visit after our mission.  We now have goods friends from our mission and hopefully will have our goods friends still in Utah.  I guess that is the best of both worlds. A person can't have to many friends.

Soldiers, Sister Tremea, Joseph

When we were taking tickets at the Aloha Luau on August 28 we meet these two wonderful US soldiers stationed at the Scoffield Army base.  They had just return from Afghanistan and were driving around the island to see the sights.  They heard that the PCC had great pineapple drinks and stopped in to buy one.  They are all smiles because the drinks tasted so good.  We talked to these soldiers for a long time and offered to take them to the HA show but they didn't have enough time.  They promised to come back again.  The guy on the right is our good friend Joseph, he is kind of over the pictures taken of the guests at the PCC.

We had a going away party for one of our student employees, her name is Michelle, from China.  I can't pronounce her last name let alone spell it.  She was just called to go on a Mission to Temple Square in Salt Lake City.  She was going back to China to see her parents and then leave for her mission in November.  She is very shy but has a wonderful testimony.  She struggles with English but she makes up for it by being so nice.  The Chinese students are kind and thoughtful especially to older people, especially the missionaries.  I hope our grandchildren are as respectful to older people as the Chinese children are.

Business office staff

On the right is our PCC business office staff.  They are Elder Tremea, Battsey (student, Mongolia), Jerod (controller), Cyril (student, Philippines), Renon, Michell (above), Joseph (student, Maryland), Sister Robinson, Larry (Chief Accountant), Felicia (student, Malaysia), Frankie (student, Malaysia), Frankie and Felicia are married, Hal, Lindie, and Kamaka.

This is a wonderful group to work with.

Kuhuku Club House

This is the Kuhuku Golf Club House, place where you buy your golf pass.  This is typical of the area, run down and will probably not be fixed for a long time to come.  Notice the porta potties, this is an added feature recently, at least they don't charge you extra for using them.  The course is a fun one, 9 holes and you can see the ocean on every hole.  The ocean view makes up for some of the poor grounds maintenance.  The price is right though, $13 for 9 holes and $4 dollars for a pull cart.

Elder's Nielsen and Tremea

On Saturday we took a young student her name was Blesil from the Philippines to the airport.  She was sent home for a BYUH honors code violation.  She will be eligible to come back to BYUH in a year.  We asked our good missionary friends the Nielsen's to go with us for support.  Before leaving Elder Nielsen and I gave Blesil a blessing to help her and with her journey.  After lots of hugs and making sure she got thru customs we left her in care of the airlines.

On the way back from the airport we stopped at Kolina to sit on the beach at the Marriott.  it was very relaxing.

Sister's Nielsen and Tremea
The grounds were beautiful and sky and water were every better.  We found a place between four palm trees that provided shade for the entire time we were there.  This was a great way to spend some time.

Looks like a perfect place to be on Hawaii

Marriott Kolina tree

We were sitting next to this tree with the beautiful flowers.  It was an amazing sight to see the blue sky, turquoise water and green and white leaves and flowers.  Hawaii is certainly a beautiful state.  I don't think St George can compare to the green beauty of Hawaii.   Oh well we can't have everything. We plan on coming back every year to get our green medicine to last us the rest of the year.

Tremea's and Nielsen's
We had a sad but fun day.  We pray for our little Philippine student that she will stay on the right track to get back to BYUH and that she will remain strong in the Church.

We need to that our good friends the Nielsen's for going with us.  It made the day a little more enjoyable.

As you can tell from the picture we are all about the same size.  The food in Hawaii is growing on us.

On Sunday we went to Church, this is our new chorister, (don't know her name yet).  She is a Polynesian and has a beautiful amount of black hair.  She always wears it full with nothing to hold it down.  The Polynesians women are very proud of their hair and they are very loving and polite to us Missionaries.   (Be sure to have Maddie and Anna see her hair…)

Sister's Nielson, Johnson, Elder's Johnson, Tremea and Nielsen

On Labor Day we enjoyed the beach at the State Park.  We brought our portable grill and grilled hamburgers with all the trimmings.  We enjoyed the company of the Nielsen's and Johnson's.  The Nielsen's are from Mesa Arizona and the Johnson's are from Logan.  We spent several hours just relaxing, after we work the week it is very nice to sit back and look at the ocean

State Beach Park
We all kept our eyes on the beauty of the ocean and it's surroundings.  This is the kind of setting that you don't get tired of.

Konie and Sister Tremea

After the beach we worked at the PCC Prime Dining taking tickets.  We start at 4:30 pm and finish around 7:00 pm.  We get to eat after we serve.  The young man you see on the left is Konie from India, he is a student and will finish his studies next year.  he is married and will return to India.  He always has a smile on his face.

We spend a lot of hours working and enjoying our Mission but the best part is meeting and working with the students.

Sister Tremea and Odmaa from Mongolia

I have worked with Odmaa for my entire mission.  She has been in seamstress with me.  She has two children and has graduated from school with a degree in business.  Her family returned home on Friday.  We had a luncheon and fun party to tell her goodbye.  She has a sweet testimony and said if we would come to Mongolia she would be our tour guide.  Good luck and lots of love to Odmaa and her family.

It has been a long two weeks without my friend Sherleen.  Friends make a difference.  She is home enjoying a new grandchild and a yard as beautiful as a park in Hyrum.  We miss you guys.  We don't hear anything that is going on with the Blue Shirts any more!!!  We have three more new sisters and your replacement is coming tomorrow.  We also have two or three couples for BYU that are new.  We haven't met all the new people.  Cardnels are getting ready to go home.      They leave on the 17th. She hasn't been coming in to seamstress.  Her son is here also for another week.

Hope you are all having a good week.  School, work, and extra school activities will be keeping you busy.  Papa keeps checking on Girls Woods Cross Soccer and the Track Meets and Tennis matches.  I think he would love to be there watching……now that's an understatement.

Be good,

3 John 1:4  I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.

Love and miss you.
Nona and Papa

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