Tuesday, August 12, 2014

August 10. 2014

By Monday afternoon everyone was talking about the two hurricane's that were heading for the Hawaiian Islands.  As the week progressed the tensions and preparations went into full swing.  We had gone to Costco on the weekend and had food and water, but felt need to maybe purchase more water and flashlights etc.  By Tuesday after work the water had sold out on the Island and the canned goods like spam, tuna, chicken were also gone.

The students were to meet at the Stake Center and the Missionaries were planning to go there and help. Each day leading up to Friday was sunshine and very calm.  We went to the temple Wednesday evening with our Ward Temple Night.  Thursday everyone was anxious.  The PCC and BYUH were preparing to close on Friday.  Our Landlord came into our apartment Thursday afternoon and boarded up our windows.  We were living in a dark hole.  It was almost pitch dark with the door closed.

Friday the storm came about 10:00 am.  I can't believe how they can pinpoint almost the exact time. We knew the Big Island was hit hard and they also had an earthquake early that morning.  We were surprised because we watched the storm for two hours and then it passed.  Not the storm we were expecting or prepared for with all our boarding up, storage and preparedness.    It was good, we were prepared and ready.  We drove around and saw big waves, trees and branches broke, but no real damage.  All is well in Laie.  Pounders Beach had big waves.  Many locals were out in the water getting pounded and trying to surf.  It was actually funny to watch.

Pounders Beach

We were so depressed with out little dark apartment we left Saturday and drove around the island. We didn't see damage of homes, just trees and blossoms that had blown to the ground.  I took these beautiful pictures of the tree that reminds me of Popcorn.  It's been blooming all summer.  It's loaded with blossoms and the colors are like candy.

We stopped at this little Crepe Bus and had a Crepe from Paris.  It was good and Dad talked to the young man's family on Skype in Paris while waiting for our order.   He told us he left Paris to come here because of a woman….now he is selling his grandmothers Crepe Recipe.   I think he will have to make many many crepes to survive here.

Boarded up stores

Ride around island after the storm.

We worked at the PCC Saturday night.  Everyone seems to have weathered the storm and we had over 2000 at the PCC.  Many guests who wanted to come Friday returned on Saturday.  They fed 500 more than they were counting on.  Just another little miracle at the PCC.  We really feel blessed to be here

On my way to the car Thursday night, Sister Cooper and I noticed this long funny green bud shaped plant in the cart.  One of the PCC fellows told us it was from the Coconut Tree.  He opened it for us and showed us the nut inside that eventually becomes a coconut.  It was amazing, inside that blossom was probably 30-40 potentially coconuts.  The blossom bud turning into a fern like feather opens high in the coconut tree.  It takes a year to produce one coconut, but it produces a cluster of coconuts.   I had never seen a blossom so large and so strange looking.

Each of the large pods turn into a coconut

Maybe you can look it up on google and find more about this amazing plant.  The locals here claim you can survive if you have a coconut tree.  The pure coconut oil is sold at Costco and is good for baking and using instead of other oil or butter.  Here they use it over popcorn too.

Sunday we went to church.  It was like heaven to get out of dark apartment.  Three students talked in church and only took 20 minutes altogether.  Luckily a member of the Stake Presidency was visiting and finished up the time.  Lucky us!  We came home and watched Hallmark movies.  Our place was good for movies.

Monday afternoon our Landlord came and removed the ply board windows.  We were so happy to come home to light.   What a difference light makes.  We were happy again.

Living in a dark apartment would be like living our lives without the Gospel.  The Gospel brings us the light of Christ and helps us see the good in other people and gives us a purpose for life.  If we will but follow Christ  our paths will be brighter and we will be able to walk the straight and narrow path back to our Father in Heaven.

This will be a big week for our grand kids in the south, school started on Monday.  I am sure the parents are happy to have a few hours of peace and quiet during the day.  The kids are sad because they now will have lessons and homework, YUK..  All is well, this is the way it should be, kids stay busy and parents get a little down time to cope with them when they get home.

Love to all from Nona and Papa

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