Wednesday, October 30, 2013

October 29, 2013

I keep thinking we can get our Blog out on our Pday, which is Saturday, but this is how our weekend goes.  Saturday morning at 8:00 am we had a Devotional that lasted until 10:00 am.   This Devotional was held in the Gateway Restaurant.  It's a beautiful building with historical art surrounding the inside.
The Devotionals are always spiritual and we learn more about the students that come from all over the world.   This was the Food and Beverage Devotional so all the students that work for Food and Beverage/Restaurant's and Snack Bars were in attendance and four of them shared their testimonies and how they were able to come to BYU-H.   President Grace and his wife are in the picture and he always speaks too.  Then of course, we eat, and eat.

Opening Song

Students Singing

We left the Devotional and picked up two students.   Katy works in Seamstress with me and we have become close.  She is from China.  Kevin and Katy are engaged and are planning to be married just before Christmas.  I have been worried about her because she is homesick and trying to plan a wedding.  I told her about Ted's Bakery and have been talking to her about her wedding cake.  We took them to the Bakery and bought the Coconut Cake and shared cake and doughnuts.  In other words, we filled them with sugar.  Bad idea as always.   Then they wanted to go to the Beach.

So we went to Sunset Set Beach and they gathered small sea shells for two hours.  Elder Tremea and I helped for a while then pulled our beach chairs out of the car and sat in the shade and watched them.  She wants to display sand, seashells and flowers for the 10 tables at her wedding.  After the beach we drove to see the turtles because they had never seen them.  Only two were on the beach.  They were very kind and respectful and thanked us over and over.   We took them back to school about three in the afternoon.  The volleyball game started at 4:00 pm so we changed and hurried over to the college to see Keke play.  The Seasiders were playing good old Dixie State University.  Sorry but our loyalties were for the Seasiders this time.  We won again.  Ron said the team is 5th in the Nation.  I guess Hawaii traditionally has a good volleyball team.
Prayer after winning the game.  Girls wore pink ribbons for Breast Cancer

Keke is #30;  Shelly #22 and Areil #10 are the two other girls that came with Keke from Taiwan.   They have played together so long they almost read each other's mind on the court.  Papa's taking quite a liking to the girls.  Keke is also engaged to be married in December.  That's another story, for another day.    Well, that was our P-day!  No grocery shopping, no cleaning the apartment, nothing done!  Sunday is day long meetings so we are going to be scrambling for a week.  Monday is Family Home Evening and Wednesday is Temple night.  The week zooms by, but then some days are frightfully slow.

Today is Tuesday.  It was a good day.  We caught the rat in the closet!  I have been telling everyone about that rat, I could hear it in the closet for months.  I would kick the door before opening it to get thread and yarn all the time for fear of seeing the thing.  Well, Sister Cooper and I decided to take matters into our own hands.  Nothing gets done here fast you know.  We called for Elder Cooper and Elder Nielson for backups and asked them to find us some traps.  They did, and you can see how big they are.
Sister Cooper

The traps were so big we couldn't set them ourselves so we called for the Elders.  Cooper and Nielson put the cheese on them and we put one in the closet and another in our Bosses closet.  This morning when Sister looked in the closet she screamed and I took the picture.....

One dead rat.  I still think we might have another somewhere,  so we are resetting the traps just to be safe.  So, the rest of the story.  We (Sister Cooper and I) were leaving work at 4:00 pm today and President Grace drove up to us at the gate in a golf cart.  Hi Ladies, he says, how was your day.  Well, we showed him our day alright with dead rat picture and lots of laughs.  I'm not so sure he thought it was funny he was a bit serious about what happened before he drove off.  Maybe we will get faster actions from the Polynesians in the future from the man at the top!

This was taken on an early stroll through the Polynesian Cultural Center before all the people arrived.  It's quiet and peaceful  I decided it would be a good time to take a walk through the center early every day at that time.

We hiked up behind the Temple last week.  It was beautiful there too.  There is a old cemetery there.  The Church has bought the ground and now have walking paths.  The Church also keeps the grounds clean and mowed.  You can see all of Laie and the ocean from there.  Beautiful serene spot.

Sleepy town of Laie taken behind the Hawaii Temple

Cemetery behind the Temple

It's late and Papa's already sleeping.  I'll sign off for this week.  Thanks for all the emails and letters. We are always excited to hear news from home.  The pictures on Cevia are needing to be replaced!!! Not that we don't love them, but we await some October ones.
Love and miss you.  Be good and do good.......the Church is true or we wouldn't be here.
Elder and Sister Tremea
Hawaiian Beach Morning Glory

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