Wednesday, October 23, 2013

October 21, 2013.

Another week gone, it seems to have gone really fast after the week is over but seems to not move as fast during the week.  I guess that is what happens when you are a missionary and away from home. We had visitors from St George here in Laie last week.  Natalie Christensen and her daughter Morgan were here for a cross country race held at the Gunstock Ranch.  The ranch is owned by the Church. Natalie was here as the organizer of the race.  I think this was the 5th year for the race and she said they would probably have around 400 runners.  She is certainly dedicated to the sport of running. She can probably run faster and farther than I can drive.  It was fun to see her and Morgan and renew the happenings of the Knolls Ward.  We had lunch with her at the PCC and had a great time.

In the above picture is Morgan, Natalie, Sister Tremea, a friend of Natalie's and Elder Tremea. Natalie was traveling with her friend Angel and her son and niece.  Angel went to BYUH and married a man from Fiji.  You can see from the picture the skin color of her son, they always look like they are perfectly tanned and seem to always be happy.  I think that is the culture trait of the Polynesian people.  Angel and her husband now live in Colorado.  She loves Hawaii and would like to move here or go to Fiji.  I don't think I could live in either place on a permanent basis.  Thanks Natalie and Morgan for stopping to see us, it makes us feel good to see familiar faces.

On Sunday I started the day at 9 am with the Elders Quorum presidency.  I am the assigned adviser to the Elders.  They are a great bunch of guys.  After the presidency meeting we met with the district leaders for home teaching.  We have 12 district leaders and each have 3 companionship's to watch over.  Our ward is an off campus ward and is located on three streets with 20 different houses for the Elders and 25 houses for the Sisters.  We have approximately 170 members in our ward which averages out to around 4 students per house.  The housing here can be pretty run down with 2, 3, or 4 people sharing a room with a single bathroom and no air conditioning.  90 percent of our young single adults are students and are required to follow the BYUH honor codes,  unfortunately some of them forget they are returned missionaries and face disciplinary action.  The district leaders visit all of the houses on a street each week to make sure that the sisters are taken care of.  I love the guys in this Elders quorum, they are trying to do the best they can and they are under a lot of pressure with school, work, church, dating and not much time for hanging out.

Our Church block starts at 12 pm and ends at 3 pm with Priesthood/Relief Society first.  For me meeting with the young people is the highlight of the mission.  Sunday's are long days, usually from  9 am to 3 pm and then usually evening meetings with the Stake or Ward.  This is the life of a missionary.

Papa talks only of the Elders...the Sisters are great too.  We have two Relief Society's running in the Ward now.  Both Presidencies are trying hard to plan the activities and keep VT organized.  Sometimes they meet together and the teachers share giving the lessons.  That has worked out too.  I see how the teachers take a lesson and adapt it to the age of the Sisters.  Always the good news each week is a Sister either going on a mission or getting married.  Last week Papa had the Elders come into RS and introduce each Home Teacher with the Sister.  It was a good idea and the kids were talking and laughing way past the time to move to Gospel Doctrine Class.

Our friends the Reynolds made it home to Idaho finally.  Today, however, Elder Maples fell off a scaffolding ladder 6 feet and broke his heel.  Not sure what they are going to do.  We visited with them tonight and they are going to see doctor again tomorrow.  Maybe surgery.  They are wondering if they should go home.  They are scheduled to leave the 16th of November.  We will hate to see them go too.

Not much happening other than work.  Another volleyball game tomorrow night.  The girls have only lost one game.  It's 15-1 right now.  Hope they win.

Love and miss you.
Nona and Papa

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