Monday, November 4, 2013

November 3, 2013

Another busy week in the Mission field.  This mission is probably much different than other senior missionary assignments, we have set hours at the PCC during the day and then we help out the BYUH students during the rest of the time.  Below you see Wade and Sarah, they are from China and they are the new parents of a baby boy named Tyler.  Wade works with me in the Business Office and is in the process of learning the accounting system.  He asked me if we could drive to the hospital and pick up their new baby which was born on Saturday, Oct. 28.  The baby had to stay in the hospital for a few days because he had a fever and they wanted to watch him.  He was 9 lbs 3 oz.  On our way to the hospital in Konahoe which is about 25 miles away, we treated them to lunch at the California Pizza restaurant.  As you can tell they are pretty happy.

Below is a picture of them taking care of the baby.  You can probably tell Wade is just wondering what to do next.  Fathers don't really have the instinct that mothers do on what to do next.  Sarah had it pretty much together.  She was really tired after we finally got the little family in the car to go home.  It took over an hour to get the infant car seat ready to go.  I think they had borrowed or bought a used one, and the hospital was very particular to have it right before we could take them home. Sarah and baby slept all the way home.

Finally you can see dad hold up his new baby son.  In China to have a son is highly desired to pass on the name and heritage of the family.  Also in China they are only allowed to have one child, unless there are special circumstances.  If they don't comply with the rules the children are aborted before being born or given to other families after being born.  Sometimes the parents will move away from the country to protect the child.  The name they picked was Tyler, an American name, but they will eventually give the baby a name in China.  It takes a few months to decide what name to give the child because the parents wait to see how they feel, then pick words that speak of strong, handsome, even beautiful flower and tree names that they feel they want for future of their son.

Wade and Sarah are both members of the Church.  Wade has been on a mission to Australia and is going to BYUH and majoring in accounting.  Sarah has been a member for only 2 years and loves the gospel, she is also a student but is taking this semester off because of the baby.   She learned about the Gospel while visiting relatives in California.  She was approached by Missionaries and after she got back to China was baptized.  They met at the Hong Kong Temple while doing baptisms.

Never a dull moment working in the Costume Department.  Remember the rat we caught last week, well the very next day we caught another one.  Sister Cooper and I called in the maintenance boys to clean it up.  This one was bigger....

Elder Cooper, Sister Cooper and Elder Nielson

Sister Cooper and I had been sewing some pieces of material that was laying around for blouses alike for Halloween.  Then she got the idea we could dress up like the RAT PATROL!  Well, as things go, it mushroomed and we dressed up and painted faces, then Sister Smith wanted to be included so we made her a costume with a garbage bag etc.  She was the Rat.  We paraded around the PC with all the Seamstresses.  I guess it is a tradition for them to dress up and walk to the Administration Office and see President Grace.  Well, we made a hit.  He laughed and laughed.  Said he would get right on the maintenance crew to clean up the rats.  He can say that now that we caught the two.  It was a fun morning and we were all exhausted for the afternoon.  Mostly we ate and laughed.  The Polynesians like us better when we eat and hang loose with them.

Sister Tremea, Sister Cooper and Sister Smith

President Grace's Office

The Sweat Shop Seamstress Sisters
 Halloween in Laie is a big deal.  They closed off the streets in the housing area and by the Temple and thousands of kids and people walked the streets.  Everyone decorates their yards with lights etc, and literally move outside and have a party in the street.  The kids had pillowcases filled with candy. Some told us they spend $100-$200 dollars for candy.  Each year seems to get bigger.  We saw some of it then went to see the Seasiders play volleyball.  By the way they won two more games this week. They are on the road for the next two weeks.  Papa said they moved into 4th place in the Nation!!!

Saturday, P-day we went to the Macadamia Nut Farm.  We sampled everything free and Cooper tried some Noni Juice Remedy.  Since he enjoyed it so much I had her put some on my neck and shoulder.  Felt pretty good after that.  We found out we can buy the Noni Juice right here at the PC with our discount, so we decided not to buy any.  We sampled all the nuts and waived the good smelling macadamia coffee and went for the tour.  We learned about nuts and Hawaiian fruits and how to make fire.  The women in the group were given headdress's with the hibiscus flower to wear over the right ear if single, left if married and in the middle if you don't know yet!  He was a funny informative guide named Payle.  He got married three months ago in the Laie Temple.
I think Elder Cooper was enjoying the foot rub!

Payle, our Guide.  This is Star Fruit plant, the little yellow ones you can buy.

Showing us how to make fire.....

Making Fire
Bus Tour
Boat Ride

Sister Cooper, Payle and Elder Cooper

Beautiful Mountains by the Nut Farm.   Numerous movies have been made here.

He stamped it out with his feet!!!

Today was a nice day.  It was Fast Day.  We had a wonderful testimony meeting today.  These kids are from so many countries and so far from home they each have a special story to tell.  We love them and we love that we are here to serve.  There is a strict Honor Code at BYU.  Most of the kids are so good, but we had three girls in our Ward who were growing marijuana in their apartment.  They were sent home this week.   Go figure...

We have you in our hearts and prayers everyday.  We hope you pray for your families and pray for each other too.
Love and miss you,  Nona and Papa

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