Thursday, October 17, 2013

October 14, 2013
Our weekends are getting to be as busy as the weekdays.  Saturday is our P-day and if I don't have most of the wash and cleaning kept up it doesn't get done that day.

The week was working and busy.  I have a Mongolian student in seamstress with me.  Tamera is 38 weeks pregnant and still rides her bike every day around campus.  She is trying to go to school and work.  She has one child, a girl 5 years old.  We have been talking to her and watching her baby boy grow bigger.  She is little, and baby is just like she is carrying a box around all the time.  Good shelf to eat on she says.  She is a student and is telling us her professor's won't give her any leave to have baby.  If she misses a test she fails.  Doesn't sound right to me, but the rules are different here.  We gave her a little baby shower in Seamstress, food, presents and lots of advice from all us old Sisters. It was quite funny.  In Mongolia showers and baby gifts are given after the baby is born.  It is bad luck to do this before baby is born.....we are all praying for everything to go well now.  We are even guessing when he will be born.  I predict Saturday at 4:00 pm.  That would give her time to have baby, get out of hospital Sunday and be able to get to class Monday!!!  We'll see who wins.
Tamera, Mother to be.

Sisters in Seamstress with Tamera

Saturday morning we attended the Fiji Devotional.  "Whither shall I Go? "  (1 Nephi 17:8:10) was the theme.  They served us breakfast and had a program.  It was a beautiful morning to walk around the PCC.  It had rained the night before and the sun came out while we were there.  All the Devotionals have songs, spiritual talks and dances of their native island. It's always Aloha wear, and the wear their native dress.  The Devotionals are a good way to learn more about the people and customs.  President Grace and his wife were there.  He reminded us that Saturday, October 12, 1963 was the real birthday of the PCC.  So, he had us all sing Happy Birthday to the PCC.

Song and Dancing

Boys Dancing
Thursday we were told that the Hokulea sailing canoe (see Google for more info) was going to be coming to Hukilau beach Friday morning.  So we went to the Hukilau beach at 8:00 am.  It was pouring rain.  We stood there for 45 minutes and got completely soaked.  No canoe in sight.  Kids were playing in the water, people were camped out under tents, umbrellas, and poncho's.  We left at 9:00 am went to work and came back at 11:00 am.  The sun was shinning and Hawaiians were still there waiting and playing to see the canoe come to shore.
Bringing in the Crew
Sister Cooper, Sister Przybille, Sister Smith

Kids out of school playing on the beach...beautiful beach 5 minutes from where we live...but we work everyday!

Getting ready for the Ceremony
This canoe was built in 1975 and is a replica of the original sailing canoes to show how the original Polynesians traveled the islands many centuries ago.  The original Polynesians did not use any navigational equipment, they used only the stars, moon and sun they called it celestial navigation. This canoe traveled the same way, they did not use any navigational equipment, to prove that the Hawaiian islands were populated by Polynesians from Fiji, Tonga, Tahiti and where ever else by the same method.  Their maiden voyage in 1976 was from Tahiti to Hawaii which is several hundreds of miles away.  The original Polynesians must have really liked water and knew how to sail using the stars as their guide.  This canoe is now going to circle the globe using the same celestial navigational skills as their ancestors.  It is expected to take around 4 years to complete the trip.  Hope they don't get lost.  Hawaiians consider any event an excuse to have a gathering and party.  We were first to leave!

Last Saturday night we went to the Alex Boye concert at the BYUH Cannon Activity Center.  We had talked to Aimee earlier in the day and told her that we were going to his concert and she told us he is a very good entertainer.  You can see him in the picture with a lot of students.

Not the best picture but it's HIM in black coat, white pants, no hair...

He is a wonderful showman, and a convert to the Church.  He sang, he talked and had the audience in his hand. He told the students to stand up for what they believe and to not be ashamed of their religion. People will respect you more if you take a stand.  If any of you get a chance to see him in concert do it, he is uplifting and provides a wide choice of music.  His voice is awesome.  I predict his fame will continue to grow and will be a great missionary tool for the Church.  He said he had done a video for the Church on I am a Mormon and received 4,000 hate letters.  He has three children and while he was here he did a video at the PCC.  He has a new song, I am Strong, and another I am Gold.   U tube has his new video and songs.

As I stepped in the shower last night a 4 inch gecko jumped out at me.  I scream, Papa came to help and we did look like a pair!  He was on his knees trying to catch it and I was naked and screaming.  I think I scared the gecko almost to death.  We finally caught it and Papa gently carried it outside to freedom.

We were going to the Temple tonight but made the mistake of sitting down for a few minutes.  We were both so tired we sat there until it was too late to go.  I'm beginning to realize the best thing to do is not stop.  It's too hard to get started again.

We are working hard and think of you often.  The people we work with and see teach us something new everyday.  I'm beginning to have a greater appreciation for the Polynesians and their lifestyle and culture.  Sometimes I think we could run circles around them to get things accomplished, but they are happy, content, love the gospel and their families.  Is there anything more?  It has been a big discussion over the Gay Marriage here.  It will pass in Hawaii but the restrictions that could be placed on us and other clergy might change.  Our Bishops would be required to marry them in our Wards and Churches.  Thanks Tammy for the article about this on line.  We are all praying this won't happen.

Be good, and as Elder Mangelson good!  We've all experienced tender mercy's and miracles, and Elder Mangelson is our answer to prayers.

Love you all.
Elder and Sister Tremea

PS  If you are reading this Blog...there is a commitment to respond.

1 comment:

  1. Always good to hear from you. Have a great weekend! Love you both!!


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