Tuesday, June 25, 2013

June 16-23, 2013
This week was busy, I guess that's why it passed so quickly.  I was training the new Sister Petty. Funny that I can train her, I must have learned more than I thought I did.  Somehow it's easier to hand the plate to someone else.  Sister Petty has worked in her husband's fountain company and she really wants the job.  She likes the big office window, and nice desk etc., I hope she likes the rest of the job. We had a pretty playful week however, because we had an employee retire after 35 years and a missionary graduation.  These Polynesians party hardy.  They play and eat for half a day.  So, short week!

At FHE this week our Stake President and his wife talked.  They had their love story to share.  She was Catholic and told of her journey to becoming a Mormon.   They had similar experiences to Dad and I.  They are a nice couple.  Dad enjoys working with him on the High Council.

The plumera trees are in full bloom here.  It just takes my breath away each morning to see them around the PCC parking lot.  They smell so good.  The wind is blowing slightly everyday and the aroma consumes the air.  The colors at the PCC are white, but I have seen yellow and pink ones too.

There have been many "Father's Days" pass by in my lifetime.   Grandfathers, brothers, a father a husband and son and son-in-laws all fill the example of the role of fathers in my life.  All of them have been great examples to me and their wives and children.  My father was a loving patient man. Never can I remember him having a temper.  He walked away from contention, conflict and the influence of Satan in his life.  I married a man who has these qualities and is also loving, tender and patient and he is a wonderful father to our children.  I am grateful for this blessing.

Today at our Student Ward the young RS sisters had made plumera lei's for all the fathers.  They smelled so good!  Then they had each of the student sisters give the fathers, husbands, and boys a 100 Grand Candy Bar.  This brightened the priesthood meeting up.

Adding some pictures of Father's Day.  This was when the Student RS sisters as they brought all the fathers and "Elders"  candy bars. The Sisters are here waiting to get into the Priesthood Room.   Dad said it was quite a treat to see all of these young sisters and a couple of cute older ones come into the Elders Quorum and bring us candy bars.   The young elders were impressed.

The kids called us on Father's day and we opened up cards and gifts from the kids.  It was a treat to hear their voices.  It seems like a long time since we have seen the kids and grand kids, so any communication we get is treasured.

Our Ward has many Asian, Hawaiians and Polynesians too.   The RS President is a native Hawaiian here.  The Elders Quorum President is Hawaiian and he is working on his PHD.  Our bishop is trying to put the two together.   They are always trying to make a match.

We have had rain this week.  We carry our umbrella's with us every day.

Most of the week I was helping Sister Petty with scheduling.  I will be relieved next week to not have to worry about this night and day.  On the bright side, I know all the missionaries now.  It's interesting to also know their personal lives, vacations, time taking off, family coming etc.  The Laie volunteers are the hard ones to plug in.  They will only work on specific days, and only at the venue they want. We have been so short handed, we have been plugging them with their wants first just to fill the slots. Ron and I have been working and filling in this month.  Good thing is our grocery bill is next to nothing.   On the other hand, we get to eat at the Prime Dining, which has prime rib, crab, and full buffet.  I have learned to make the best green salad with the fresh fish they serve each day.  Now to get Papa to eat fish salad!  I took some pictures walking out of the PCC, including the fancy Duck. The Duck is for Sarah and Elle to see.  Did you see anything like this at the Farm?

Ducks walking around the PCC grounds.

Banana trees at the PCC

Papa's new Tongan Friend...found him at the PCC

PCC about 7:00pm

Evening at the PCC

Brother Ofahengaue (Bro O to us)  He is Volunteer at the PCC

New bridge and tied ropes at the PCC

Papa showed up at the office with a dozen beautiful red roses for our Anniversary Friday.   They are still smelling and looking good in our apartment.  This picture was taken at home.  It's a picture of the roses and card and pictures for our Anniversary.  Thank you so much, we love you all.  The picture Mike and Tammy sent to us is hanging on our wall.

The missionaries got wind it was our 50th and planned a surprise party for us.  Some of the couples asked us to decide where we would like to go to dinner and they would come.  Well, we didn't want to leave anyone out, so we were trying to decide where to have it and asked where was a place big enough for everyone, and about catering food etc.  Finally, we had asked so many questions about planning it ourselves, we popped their surprise... and they told us to just come to our own Surprise Party!  Brother and Sister Maples had planned to have it at their home.  We had a good time, and they had garlic shrimp and BBQ chicken.  Everyone brought salads, and they had bought us a yummy cake from Ted's Bakery.  The cake must have weighed 15 pounds.  It was the biggest two layer cake I have ever seen.  It was a chocolate pudding cake.  Very moist and good.  A favorite here on the island for the locals.  It was so big everyone took some home.  It was a fun party... it rained, so the outside party was moved inside and we were cozy, loud and funny.  They said to tell you, our children they were trying to take good care of us!!!  I still missed you........

Taken at the office when Papa brought the roses.  Bamboo Plant was gift from Sister Petty for training her.....go figure that one.  She may want it back next week!!!

This is Papa's Desk

Food for our 50th Party

Some of the Missionaries

Elder and Sister Maples

Our 15 pound Anniversary Cake

Papa sneaking some frosting

Cutting the Cake!

These are pictures from the Popped Surprise Party.  Food was Yummy.  Elder and Sister Maples were the couple that hosted the party.  She was the Sister who helped us with housing, and both have become good friends.  They are from Tennessee.

Today, Sunday 23, was the Church World Wide Leadership Meeting.  We watched it at the Aloha Center with two Student Stakes.  It was so good, I hope all of you were able to see it too.  We felt we are so lucky to be a part of the missionary movement in the Church right now.  What a blessing to know there are so many faithful men and women serving all around the world.  Can you even imagine all the stories they will be able to tell their children.  I had a real warm feeling, Erik, that you were called at the right time.  Both Papa and I have been wondering how you would like the transition into missionary life, but I felt today you would do just fine.  The Church is catching up with technology and all that text messaging will help find people just waiting for the gospel.  What a special time on earth.  It's history in the making and we are living in it.  It gives me a good feeling to think of the people who will be brought into the gospel by these young vibrant smart missionaries. That will be our very own grandchildren!!!

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