Tuesday, June 4, 2013

May 26th - June 3rd 2013

Aloha Family,

Sunday we went to Church.  After church we met with President McCarther.  He asked Ron to be on the High Council. We were also assigned to the 5th Ward.  It's a Student Ward on campus but takes in youth that are living at home in the area adjacent to the college.  We will start next Sunday.

Monday was a holiday.  Nice change to sleep in.  We scouted out the beaches near us.  The best ones on the North shore are right here in Laie.  We found a great park and beach about one mile from us.  It's hidden from the road, and if you didn't know about it you would pass it by.  We walked the beach and decided to invest in two beach chairs next time we went to Walmart.  Turned out to be a beautiful day...what I mean by beautiful day is we get a little sun, a little rain, and lots of cloud movement.  The little brown Hawaiian kids were running and playing in the rain and ocean like the sun was shining. When the rain comes it's actually cooler than the ocean water, so the kids lay in the water to keep warm.

We had to work at the PCC and take tickets at 4:30 pm so we didn't stay long at the beach.  It was a big night at the PCC.  We took a lot of tickets from Japanese and Chinese people tonight.  They don't talk much...just nod their heads.  We ate at Prime Dining after.  This is becoming all good for my "NO COOK MISSION".

Papa has graduated from beauty school 101. The things one does on a mission  He did his first color job.  I think between us we did a pretty good job.  Only problem we dropped hair dye on the bathroom carpet and I can't get it out.  Goes to show the dyes are good these days.  Now if I can just find someone to cut my hair....I don't trust Papa to try that one.

We have devotional every morning.  I was asked to pray.  I guess I have been here long enough to participate.  I will be the one to schedule in the future and maybe will be able to conveniently add and delete my name!!!  HA HA   We have 14 people leaving this month.  PCC Missionaries and BYU-H volunteers and scheduling is becoming a nightmare. Sister Clark is coming the end of the week from St George.  We need people, anyone want to come here on mission or as a volunteer?  If so, go to Polynesia.com or PCCwebsite and go to missionaries and volunteers.  It's updated every month so our pictures will be on it soon.  Information is also found for openings and people who are needed.

We worked again Friday night.  I'm not sure why it's so hard to schedule people.  The dinner is worth it alone, plus it's fun to greet and visit with all the people who come. Everyday in the office at 1:00 pm, 2:00 pm, 3:00 pm and 4:00 pm I can hear the Tongans beat their drums.  They are loud.  Papa said he can't hear it (down in the dungeon) but I'm sitting by the big picture window of the PCC and can see and hear it.  It rained Thursday very hard too.  Water was pouring off the roof like someone had dumped full buckets of water down.  Parts of the PCC were being flooded and I could see the Blue Shirt Workers (PCC Missionaries working on grounds etc.) with hip boots on trying to divert the water from flooding the village.  Water was everywhere, the parking lot was flooded.  After about an hour and hearing the flood alerts on our I Phones it stopped.  We had flood alerts until 10 pm.  Everything was clean.  We haven't seen dust since we left St George.

Saturday we drove to Mililani to visit Costco and Walmart.  We left early missing the traffic.  Picked up goods and beach chairs and started home to North Shore.  Duh, not good.  Everyone from Honolulu was driving to the North Shore.  All those big green turtles were slowing the traffic down too.  We drove 10 miles at 5 miles an hour.  I think we will have to rethink the times we drive to Mililani.  

Today we went to our new Student Ward.  We met in the McKay Auditorium.  By September we will be in the new Chapel that is being built on campus.  Elder Oaks is coming for the dedication and 50th Anniversary.  We went to class today and there was a no show of the Gospel Doctrine Class.  Guess who taught the lesson?  Papa jumped right up to volunteer.  There was another couple who had been there a long time, the Walkers, and she said she would help him.  Turned out great, kids helped and participated.  Tonight Papa was set apart as High Councilman.  President Lee gave Papa a beautiful blessing.  I sit there listening and missing family.  

We went to "Break the Fast" after and ate with all the Missionaries and Volunteers.  Sister Cindy Clark from St George was there, we got to talk to her.  Sang to the missionaries going home.

Sounds like you had a great week in California.  The rides must have given your heads a spin.  Nothing is too fast nor high nor scary for you guys anymore.  I'm amazed.  When you get our age you will be able to tell your grandchildren you did it!!!

It's a month now since we left.  I can hardly believe it, but then again I have a switch of homesickness.  I have only stayed in Hawaii three week max.  This is going to be a test.  I decided it might be easier if I count the PCC Schedules I have to get out each month. Only 17 more!  That doesn't sound so long. 

I love to read and reread the letters from home.  Thanks Elle, Sam and Anna.  In the future I hope to address each one.  It's also good to hear your voice on the phone. The Cevia is up and running.  Better tell Becky how to send pictures again.  Can the kids send pictures on their phones?  Mangelson's need to send us a picture of their new boat!   Send us some CA pictures too.

Love you all, Nona and Papa   


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