Tuesday, July 2, 2013

June 23-30, 2013

June 23-30   2013

Sunday night we were invited to a resident's home for dinner, Bro and Sister Wolthuis.  He works at BYU-H and they both help out with the Luau's once a week, Sister Missionaries, a few couple missionaries and some students.  It was another food and fun night!  These kids are big kids...and they cook lots of food for them.

Missionaries at the Backyard BBQ

Sister Petty on the right, she took my job ...I don't know the others!

Sister Woldthuis and...me

One of the Students cooking and about 6 more boys like him were waiting to eat.
 They had a huge pan of shrimp to go with the steak.

Single Sister Missionaries plus few married ones like me.

The week was busy with my new job change.  I am now in costumes in the morning 8-12.  We mend costumes and make beaded headbands, any costume the kids use in the Ha Breath of Life Show.   This last week we made white skirts and red sashes for the Tahiti Devotional Saturday Morning. Each Island has a special Saturday Devotional.  It's held every other month.  This was first one for us.  I helped sew for it this week and it made it more special I guess.   During the afternoon I work in the seamstress room.  There are 6 to 10 women there working different shifts.  At first they just let me sew and get used to the industrial machines.  By Wednesday I was sewing sashes and skirts for girls.
This isn't near the stress of my former job.  I am able to talk to other women too.  I am grateful for the change.  These are the pictures of the Saturday Tahiti Devotional.

The Devotional is held in the Tahiti Hut on the PCC Grounds.  President and Sister Grace are sitting on the right.

Notice all the white skirts and red sashes.  That's what I got to help make on my day job!  I'm not sure who makes the red ties, but they looked awesome.

Elder Tremea and Elder Waite before Devotional

Everyone gathered at 8:00 am and they fed us breakfast before the Devotional at 9:00 am

Inside the Tahiti Hut

Papa's contribution...he needs to explain.  I think it was on the Tahiti Hut wall.  This map shows the locations of the various islands, actually they are different countries. ie., Samoa, Fiji, Tahiti, etc.  The people from these islands settled in Hawaii getting there on sailing canoes, pretty impressive since they didn't have anything but the stars to navigate with.  

We were supposed to work four times last week but found someone to take our Saturday shift.  This helped because we had to talk in Sacrament today.    We both tweaked our farewell talks.  Papa did a good job today.  He prepared more than I did, and it paid off.  We have a skeleton Ward right now however in two or three weeks it should be larger when the students all come back to school.

We had Sunday Dinner alone.  Crock Pot Dinner, meatloaf Papa's favorite.  It's an easy fix.  Then we slept for two hours.  Enjoyed looking at the Washington DC pictures from Mike & Family.  Looks like your on the run.  There is so much to see and do.  It will be fun to hear all about it.

It was fun to face time Aimee and Becky and families at Snowbird.  Made us a bit homesick so we went to the Point and watched the waves crash on the dragon rock until the sun went down.

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