Monday, June 3, 2013

May 23, 2013


Just read your e-mails.  Sounds like you are keeping busy.  These are memorable times. Maybe sometime in the future you will be able to laugh at the piano story Aimee!  I remember the fingernail polish story....we had saved a long time for family room furniture and then...some lovable little girl tweaked it.  It's been a great story and lots of laughter since.   All the end of school parties sound fun for the kids.  It's good you’re such good parents and having all the parties at your homes!  That way you get to know your kids friends.

Our Ceiva arrived and we have it up and running!  We were excited to see new pictures. Great fish you caught Mike.  Did you get to eat it too?  Relieved to hear Sam survived the week.  We had him in our prayers every day.  In fact all you kids are in our prayers, and I'm relieved that you survived some of the things you do!  Little miracles every day.  Cloe is as big as Gus?  What you feeding her Elle.  Love all the emails and updates, they have kept me going this week.  Well, I get thinking of all you wonderful grandchildren and know I can't quit!

So glad the new boat floats.  Erik texted us that you all survived the first run.  Just watch for the little dark rain clouds and head for shore.  Here that wouldn't be possible; it rains and shines 4-6 times a day.  Everything is clean, clean, clean...well, kinda.  We are finding that the air has an ocean mist that leaves a layer of salt on the car, and probably us too.  Everyone says we'll get used to it.  But it does wonders to your hair. I am finding I don't need all the extra lotions/Jafra stuff.  Just the toners.  Natural moisturisers all around us.   Sorry you lost your soccer game Amanda.  In the back of my mind I was hoping for a win and a trip to Laie for you and me.    

We've had a better week.  Lots of tears and emotional ups and downs but the weekend has been good.  Just a day to not think so hard has been good.  I still just don't know how I'm going to handle the job, but Dad said he would help me and get me set up with excel spread sheets.  This week I will have to keep learning her job the way she has already set it up. 

We were called into the Stake Presidents Office (Pres McCarther).  He called Dad to be a High Councilman in our Stake.  He assigned us a Student Ward, and said it was the largest Ward in the Stake.  Both BYU Students and eligible youth living in the area or at home. Apparently some of the youth that are not attending school are quite a challenge.  I am to be a mentor to the RS. 

It has been nice to have two days off.  With my new job, it will be 6 days a week and holidays too.  The PCC Show must go on.....only Thanksgiving and Christmas off, might as well do that with our time than sit home!!! I will need 18 people to help with the Luau's each night PCC is open.  We decided we might go home teaching every day...and evening until we meet all the people that are eligible to work.  Take them cookies and see it they will work any place anytime.   Then pray it works.   Maybe you kids can give us some other grand ideas!!

We worked a shift at the PCC Friday night.  It was a fun experience.  We took tickets at the Kaui Luau.  It was amazing where people were from.  New Zealand, New York, Kansas, Japan, California, Texas and France.  We take their tickets and a cute little gal gives them a lei and 4 other students take photo shots with them.  Then they go into the luau buffet and show.  When we take tickets we are given the choice to eat on the property for free. We went to Prime Dining.  It's the full buffet, crab legs, prime rib and the works....Dad's favorite.  I can easily see how easy it would be to add some circles to the middle here.  

Hope you all have a great holiday.  We drove through the Laie cemetery tonight. It was covered with flowers.  I'm sure we were watched and talked about (crazy Howlies) because we drove into the cemetery and there was no way out!  We had to back out....we were embarrassed.  People were gathered around graves and cleaning up graves etc. There wasn't a road out.  Once you’re in your in.  Dead or alive!

Love and miss you.  Have a great weekend.    


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