Tuesday, September 9, 2014

September 9, 2014

Saturday Papa and I decided to go on a hike.   We couldn't find anyone interested to go with us so we went alone.  The Hike was Moana Falls.  We drove to Honolulu and found the base of the hike.  It had been raining and had stopped suddenly and the sun was shinning.  We thought positive and started on the hike from sea level to 800 foot hike.  It was beautiful after the rain.  The trail was gravel and steps.  Halfway up it started raining buckets.  We did get wet and trail was muddy the last part of the hike.  I thought I was going to die twice….decided I had to finish since we were almost there, and this was on my bucket list to accomplish.  It proved to be a beautiful waterfall and coming down was easy.

The trees and ferns were beautiful.  Every shade of green and the rain was still on the leaves.

Hike not recommended for old people!
Glad Papa didn't decide to have his spinning dizzy
spell on the hike.
                               The trail was clearly marked and as you can see it was muddy.
Palm Leaf made a great umbrella

Papa's new hangout…a bit wet and muddy

We made it!!!

Not so many flowers just foliage

After our hike we met Elder and Sister Mayfield for lunch in Honolulu.  We ventured to a new place called Nico's at Pier 39.  It was recommended by President and Sister Warner.  It apparently was her favorite place.  We had fish and chips.  Very yummy.  We would go back again.

Sister Janet Johnson farewell, Elder Lunt, Sister Clark and Elder Petty
On Monday night at FHE we had our farewell for Sister Johnson.  She has been an outstanding missionary and a very good friend.  She is from SLC and her son and grand kids were here to escort her home.  We all sing the Aloha Oe departure song for each missionary, it is quite touching and something we will go through in November.  As we get to the end of our mission our old friends are leaving and the new missionaries are coming in.  We won't have much time to get to know the new people but we will try to help them settle in.

The friends we have made on this Mission will last a life time.  I am sure we will reflect on our Mission when we are back in St George.

D&C 58:27
Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness;

Have a good week, we love you.
Nona and Papa

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