Thursday, November 14, 2013

November 10, 2013

We know about Hawaii rainstorms.  It has rained since Wednesday.   It pours and puddles are everywhere.  The kids just run around barefoot.  I'm starting to think that might be a good idea.  It is so wet it will ruin all leather shoes.  We are wearing beach shoes that can get wet.  Flash flood warnings have been posted everyday too.  The highway was blocked into Laie today from a tree that had fallen onto the road and water was a foot deep.  This keeps the north shore green and pretty.

I went with some Missionary Sisters into Honolulu on Thursday to buy fabric for the Settlement.  It was a informative fun day.  I saw hundreds of bolts of Hawaiian fabric.  We bought fabric for quilts and pillowcases that are made and sold at the PCC Settlement.  We spent a lot of time coordinating fabric pieces.  Good therapy for me.

On Monday nights we have our family home evening meeting with all of the Missionaries.  This week our goods Missionary friends the Maples, Joe and Janace were leaving to go home to Tennessee.  They are leaving a little bit early because of an accident he had at the PCC.  The scaffolding he was standing on tipped over and he fell 6-8 feet and crushed his heel.  They decided not to do surgery here in Hawaii but to go home early and have it done in Tennessee.  They helped us get acquainted with our Mission and have been a big support to us.  We wish them well.  At the end of the FHE we sang the Hawaiian going away song.  They do this for all of the departing Missionaries.  It was a special occasion.

On Friday night another Missionary couple the Snow's, Kreston and Carol Ann are also leaving. They are from the Provo area and have been here 18 months.  They both work in the PCC warehouse and were assigned to pick up and deliver merchandise for the PCC.  They traveled all over the Island of Oahu, going to stores and buying stuff for the PCC.  Most of the time they were driving in circles since we are on an island and can't drive to far in a straight line.  They also have been wonderful friends.  We had a dinner for them at the Robinson's, Phil and Susan, they have a small apartment that overlooks the beach.  The view is spectacular.  They live on the same road as the house the kids will be staying in when they visit us next year. The Robinson's live in St George above the St George Golf course.  We will have made lots of new missionary friends and hopefully we will keep in contact with them after our Mission.

Robinsons on the left, us and the Fullers, behind are the Pollack's

On Saturday Night a few of us Missionaries got together to go to a BYUH play.  Before the play we ate at the Seven Brothers restaurant here in Laie.  Great hamburgers.  As you can see we are having fun.  It sure breaks up the week to be able to get out with the Missionaries.  The BYUH play was also good, a little strange but good.  The name of the play was Blithe Spirit and was held in the McKay Auditorium.  It was an English play about a couple talking to the first wife's dead husband.  His second wife was not amused as you can suspect.  It was hard to understand but we had fun.  It was raining hard out side and the rain was coming in from the roof and dropping on our heads,  we just moved to other seats and continued on.  In Hawaii when it rains it rains very hard but is usually short lived.  In the winter it tends to be more cloudy and usually has more rain.

On Sunday night we had a YSA 5th ward musical fireside, I would say this was probably one of the top 10 firesides I have ever attended.  This fireside was put on by our Elder's Quorum, I was impressed the way it was put together.  The theme of the fireside was "Why I Believe in Christ",  It was all singing and short testimonies.  The singing was wonderful, all church songs and sung by people who could really sing.  Some of our ward members provided some of the music.  Great talent. Several young people who were recent converts were asked to share their testimonies.  It was an emotional evening.  I might add when  a testimony was shared the piano was playing in the background, it certainly added to the thought that was given.

In the picture is a group of our young Missionaries serving in this area.  They put together a song and sang for us.  They delivered a powerful message just in their singing.   This type of fireside would be a big success anywhere, especially to promote Missionary work.  This was a great way to end a busy week.

The Mission President and his wife came Monday night for Family Home Evening.  It was all about Missionaries and the work.  There are 52 mission homes throughout the world the church has just purchased for the influx of missionaries.  These young men and women need our help.  Some are very homesick and need support.  We have seen two Elders and two Sisters walking in Laie.  The Elders have a car, but the Sisters were walking.  I think about how homesick I am some days and try to imagine how these young missionaries are doing.  They are so faithful and strong and committed to the gospel at such an early age.  President and Sister Warner said we were to all work for a Celestial Cultural Mission.   We were instructed to keep the gospel message simple.  We see and work with students from all over the world here.  Many of the students are homesick and concerned for their loved ones at home.  He said the First Presidency and the twelve gather together at 10:00 am every Thursday morning and pray for the missionaries.   He said that the Savior is walking with us as missionaries, and we are good enough to be out spreading the good news.   Don't let Satan have any part of us, be obedient and to pray and to keep a prayer in our heart daily.  We were all uplifted when meeting was over.

We love and miss you.  Your in our thoughts and prayers.

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