Sunday, July 13, 2014

July 19, 2014

I have had the most frustrating week getting the blog out.  I had it completely finished and lost it.  It should have been saved numerous times, but somehow I deleted it.  So, I am at the do over stage.  I had just redone the week with Mark and Becky and family and will start this week.

On the 4th of July a tragic accident occurred.  Makenzie Lewis, from our home ward and Bishops daughter was on a razor at a family reunion in Oakley, Utah and was hit by a truck.  She is in the University of Utah Hospital in a coma.  We have been devastated.  Our hearts ache for the family.  We fasted and prayed for her Sunday and have had them in our thoughts and prayers all week.  Amazing with the modern technology, others in our Ward already new about the accident and were fasting for her on Sunday.  We pray for her recovery.  I am sure it has and will be a great impact on family and friends.

We have had a very busy week at the PCC.  The costume Department has been preparing for the Promo Team to travel to China for promotional purposes.  We have been making skirts, waistbands for grass skirts, dresses, beads and feathers for costumes.  For the last two weeks we have had the students working 39 hours instead of their usual 19 hours because of semester break.  We have had 8 students working with us.  They are very capable help.  Some of them know how to weave, braid and sew.  Raymond here made a dozen headbands.

Friday was the last day for the students to work the longer hours.  We decided to have a luncheon for them.  I made spaghetti sauce and spaghetti and Sister Cooper made bread sticks and dip for chips. We also had salad and cake.  The kids had to eat it with their gloved hands…..the party obviously turned out a success.  Food was all gone.

Elder Cooper and Elder Nielson brought their cart to help us carry food from car to the costume department.

Kara was first to try….she was very hungry.  She is from Australia.  Ohelo and little Serria in picture also.  Ohelo works in the laundry and is from Laie.

                                    Shana is from New Zealand and Beverly is from Japan

                                             Bistel is from Taiwan and Song is from China

            Betty from Hungary, Nalon from Hong Kong and Elder Tremea from St George, Utah

                                                  Orr is from Samoa and Saul is from Tonga

                           Bistel, Song Kaka and Sofie in the green shirt.  He is Kaka's husband.

The whole Gang…………

At our Family Home Evening this week the Tonga Family Sisters came and sang.  This is a family of seven girls and one boy.  The oldest girl is 16.  Baby is 4 months.  The boy is 4 and does not sing nor does the Father.  Both mother and father work.  The girls have been singing since they were four. They were really good.  You can hear them on You tube.   (The Tonga Sisters)  

We were working Thursday night and the Prince of Tonga came to eat at the Prime Dining.  He is 22, but looks older than that to me.  He was big!  Very big.  He also had an entourage with him.  We ate with him at the Prime Dining.  Later that night there was a dance in his honor.  I was wondering if he was looking for a wife.  

While working Thursday, I got to hold a co-worker's new grandson.  He is a Samon baby.  I could steal him.  He was fat and healthy and just 3 months old.  They have cute babies with the dark skin. Speaking of babies…I have told you Kaka is pregnant.  She went to Taiwan for a month this summer. Her parents didn't know she was pregnant.  They knew she was married.  Kaka's mother is so worried that the baby will have dark skin she went to a health food store and bought Kaka some pearl powder. She is to take it every day to make the baby white.  I thought this was pretty funny until I talked to the girls from China.  Apparently it is a custom in China too, to have white skin.  It is a sign of importance and wealth.  The dark skin shows you are a farm worker or someone lower in class.   These dark skinned babies are so pretty.  I covet their skin color.  It also gets darker in the sun.

We took a sister in our Ward to Honolulu on Friday to buy a car.  She needed some help getting the car and paper work.  Bishop Liva asked Papa and I to help her.  Her father had paid for car and we just took her to Hertz to buy it and pick it up.  She took her finance with her.  He is from India.  She is a girl from California.  He couldn't understand why she was paying $11,000 for a car.  That much money in India would buy house, car and more.  They are getting married in December.  It's going to be a interesting match for marriage.

Isaiah 65:24
"And it will come to pass, that before they call, I will answer, and while they are yet speaking I will hear. "
God is eager to answer; its just that all too often we don't ask."

May God be with you in your trials each day.  Remember to ask, and be grateful for the little miracles.
We love and miss you.
Nona and Papa 

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