Tuesday, March 18, 2014

March 2, 2014

March 2, 2014

Today we have rain again!  The North Shore is supposed to have 35-40 foot waves.  Yesterday the ocean was flat.  No waves and so calm but last night the storm came in.  It's a grey day.  Good news for coming week however, sunshine is on the horizon.

It has been a busy week.   Two couples are leaving to go home and it was PCC workers appreciation week.  Between working and luncheons for missionaries and PCC workers I haven't had to prepare much food.  We made a run to Costco on Friday night and picked up food for other missionaries, our Student Ward Break the Fast today and supplies for George.  We came home tired after delivering to supplies and food to everyone.

Presidents Day the PCC and the Administration Office was closed.  We went with the Elder and Sister Harris and drove to Kolina Resort.  We saw the stingrays and the hammerheads and walked the lagoons.  It was a pretty day and many visitors and travelers with families.  The new Disney Hotel has opened and it was busy with many families.

The stingrays were so close we could touch them.
                          This one was looking pretty closely at us.  Eyes on both sides of his head.

This week was Employee Appreciation Week.  Many PCC workers were recognized for their years of service.  Fatai in seamstress has worked 25 years and Fatu from costumes has worked 35 years.  We had parties in each department and that always includes rice, chicken and beef.  Oh and all the deserts.  No way to diet here.

Fatai from Seamstress
Fatu and Grandchild

Sister Cooper shared a good recipe with us.  Fatai is a good cook and she tried it on her family.  She is single and lives with her mother, two sisters and two nephews.  They loved the pizza.  Fatai however is Polynesian and dropped three eggs on top of the pizza with the toppings.  This is normal for Polynesians to add eggs.  They often add eggs on top of rice.  Her family loved the pizza and request it almost every night.  I thought it might be a fun to share the recipe with you.  I have had the bread sticks and they are yummy too.  

Pizza Dough

1 TB yeast in 1/2 cup warm water, set aside

Stir together
1 cup flour
1 tsp salt
3/4 cup warm water 
2 TB oil
Add yeast mixture.  Add 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 cups flour or more.  Let raise 30 minutes.  
Roll out on pan and add your own cheese and toppings.
Bake at 400 degrees until crust is brown.

 Check out the eggs!!!

Bread Sticks
Mix together:
1 1/2 cup hot water
2 TB sugar
2 TB yeast
4 cups flour
1/2 tsp salt
Knead and let raise for 30 minutes.

Melt 1 cube (1/2 cup) butter in 9x13 pan.  Roll out dough in pan.  
Sprinkle with garlic salt and Parmesan cheese on top.
Cut into strips with a pizza cutter.
Raise again.
Cook for 15-20 minutes at 375 degrees.

My work in the morning at the Costume Department is next door to the Laundry for the Ha Show. Every morning the students do the wash for the next show.  It takes the girls four hours to do the wash.  Halo from Hawaii and Breece from the Philippine's are here working hard. We talk to them about work and school every day.  They are always hungry so we bring food.  I tried to take their picture but they were being silly and would not turn around.   I will have to snap a picture when they aren't expecting it.  

Playing around . . .

This week was a busy one for us.  After Family Home Evening Monday night I had a call from Keke. She wanted to talk.  I picked her up and she told me she was getting married tomorrow at noon.  She wanted Ron and I to be her Mom and Witness.  She had not told her parents because they wanted her to wait until she finished school to get married.  She and Sofie decided to get married and move into TVA apartment that was available.  She was moving in the night we talked.  

Tuesday at noon we met them at the temple.  No worries, no new clothes, no flowers or fuss, just two kids in love and wanting to do it right.  It was a nice short temple ceremony.  After we took a few pictures and hugged them both.  We went back to work.  They were having a cookout at their apartment that night and invited us.  I took a heaping platter of fruit and we went.  The volleyball team was there and a few friends and their Bishop and wife.  Sofie was cooking a bucket of meat on the grill.  The cooked meat was placed into another bucket to serve.  All was good.  They looked happy.   Keke told me later in the week she had told her parents.  I was glad she decided to tell them.  

Hawaii Temple Keke and Sofie March 4, 2014

This was a busy week for us.  We were working days and worked three nights at the PCC.  We were trying to save time for family next week and work more this week.  Mike, Tammy and family are coming on March 8, Saturday.  We were working at Prime Dining when Elder Tremea made a new friend from China.  He was very chatty and wanted a picture together.  I was wearing matching dress but he only wanted Papa in the picture with him, go figure!  

This week we entertained rain every day.  Only ones not soaked were the ducks at PCC.  They were happy with all the rain and easy worms.  

The flower blooming this month at the PCC is the Red Caribaea. It  is the largest heliconias in the world.  I see it used in landscaping because the stocks are tall and leaves are big.  They make good borders and are used in floral arrangements.  They will last in arrangements for a month or more.

We had three birthdays this month and celebrated them all in one party.  Eliza, Roger and Odma birthdays were cause for a breakfast party.  Roger turned 50, Eliza is 42 and Odma is 26.  Oh to be young again.   Notice the rice cooker….always rice, breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The Birthday kids,  Odma, Roger and Eliza

We are so blessed to be able to share time with the people here.  Sometimes I forget how wonderful it is to be among them.  It's more than 95 percent Latter Day Saints here in Laie with BYU-H and the community.  I really think our mission is two fold.  First to love and serve at the PCC and second to encourage, lead and help the young students to live the gospel everyday.  The Lord blesses each day. I feel his love and see the tender mercies he has blessed us and our family with.
We love each of you, 
B good….Love, Nona and Papa  

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