Thursday, February 6, 2014

February 5, 2015

The last two days with the Barton's were busy and fun.  Friday I watched Sarah while Scott, Aimee Maddie and Jake went to the temple to perform baptisms with our Student Ward.  After they were back I took them to the Polynesian Cultural Center to see where Papa and I worked.  We had to hurry because Maddie had a surfing lesson at 10 am.  Everyone liked the beach the best I think.

We knew Joe who is now working part time at George's house were they stayed.  He is from California and loves to surf.  He will graduate this spring.  Papa asked him if he would be willing to give Maddie a surf lesson and he agreed.  Scott wanted to have one too, but I think Maddie got the best lesson.  She was thrilled.  The kids stayed at the beach all day.  I think they had their fill of sun and beach today.

Maddie's Surfing teacher….Joe.  She did get up and surfed!!!  She said she saw a big turtle with baby out surfing!

Beach to ourselves, Aimee Sarah and Jake enjoying the waves.

Maddie's soft sand ball

Papa's new Missionary Exercise!

Turtle carving on the beach

Beach day over…clean off the sand!

We went to dinner with Scott and Aimee. Tonight we had curry chicken.  We were told about this little Fiji Grocery Store off the side of the road.  Little hole in the wall, but turned out pretty good. Week has rapidly passed and was all too soon to pack up and go home.  We took them back to Airport and had some teary goodbyes.

Last Day at the PCC…..we will miss the Grandchildren.

Barton Family Hang Loose...
Last week the students were all excited because it was the Chinese New Year.  Foods and parties were talked about on campus.  We were invited to Sarah and Wade's home for dinner.  It was a good evening with them.  Baby Tyler has grown so much, he is 20 pounds and only 3 months old.  His legs and arms were plump.  Wade's mother is still here from China and has been helping with baby while the parents are both going to school.  She doesn't want to leave but her visa expires in April.  If they fly home for just one day they can renew their visa for another 6 months.  Crazy to think it is that easy to stay in America.  She has asked to take the baby home so the kids can finish school, but I don't think that will happen.  Dinner was dumplings, vegetables, chicken wings, and some kind of rolled ball with a gooey sweet taste.  They kept asking if we liked.  Oh, and we were taught to eat with chop sticks which was fun.  They had purchased some small chop sticks that were easier to eat with.  It was nice evening.  Both Sarah and Wade are only children.  Sarah had an adopted sister when she was eight, but Wade is from long line of male children only.  Father, grandfather, great grandfather.  Sarah is first generation joining church.   Wade's family have been members for awhile. Sarah came to Hawaii to go to school and lived with a single lady there.  She was LDS and helped her get in school.  She took to church and Sarah meet with the missionaries and later joined the church.  Her parents are not members.  They are supportive to her and her husband and family here.  She said she has work to do when she gets back to China.  They still have two years of school.

We were working last week and had a nice surprise.  Kelly and Claudia Clayton were at the Polynesian Cultural Center.  We were taking tickets and got to talk to them. They updated us on their family and the Ward at home.  They were here on a conference trip.  We were happy they stopped to see us.

Claudia, Sister and Elder Tremea and Kelly Clayton

Work last week seemed long.  It's hard to take time off and then go back to the normal work week. Papa has Church Auditors here for the week and he has been busy.  We are sewing shirts and mending costumes.  We also do that glue gun thing….if we can't mend it we glue it.  Cathy, our boss, came in today and had been to the store first.  We noticed a hole in her pants and she had been to store, and around PCC and campus.  Well, we fixed it for her with tape, couldn't hardly use the glue gun on this one, and the material was too thin.  Pants needed a good patch job.  We are also making these sunny yellow headbands for the Ha Show. 

Boss Cathy's taped pants

Costume Department, headbands for the show

Boss Cathy's make shift kitchen!  She is making soup.  I just put clean cover on ironing board!!!  Notice electric plug.

Tuesday Bob and Dareth Anderson flew over to see us from Maui.  We picked them up at the Airport at 9:00 am.  We drove them to Laie to go to the PCC.  The day was a wet one.  It rained all day.  We stopped in Haleiwa for breakfast at the Cafe Haleiwa.  It was a small little surf cafe, but very good. We stopped at Teds for malasadas and then home.  I took them to the PCC and got ponchos for them to battle the rain.  Everyone has a good time at the PCC rain or shine.  The shows go on even if it rains.  I think they enjoyed all the villages and shows.  We worked taking tickets at Prime Dining and took them to dinner with us after.  They couldn't stay for the Ha, Breath of Life Show because their flight was at 9:45 pm.  We drove them back to the airport.  Today we drove around the Island twice.

Ocean walk in the rain.

Turtle Bay 

Ron had a treat last Saturday, our P-day.  Some of the guys asked him to go golfing with them.  He was gone almost 6 hours golfing 18 holes.  They went to Turtle Bay.  Some pictures of the course are below. He had good time, borrowed some clubs and didn't do too bad.  He hasn't golfed for 9 months. He kept up with all of them, except Brent Przybille, true blue golfer from Canada.

Turtle Bay Golf Course

Elder Przybille

Tough Course?

Golf Course

Sunday was Fast Day.  We have decided to take a different class and support one of the students who has started a Family Search Class.  I think we will like it.  We lack names and dates on the Church Files.  Looks like there is much to do.  We might have you send us some information if we continue.  The students are very quick to help everyone on the computer.  Our ward also has a class after church for indexing.  

Sacrament Meeting was spiritual meeting.  The girls bore testimonies first and the boys all finished up strong.   The students are from so many different cultures, places and each try to express their testimony in English.  We can understand why some are shy and struggle at school with culture and English.

We had Break the Fast with all the Missionaries Sunday after church.  Sherelene and I ended up washing all the tablecloths this time.  Lucky me, Papa took them up to George's washer.  It would take me all week to wash 10 tablecloths.   That's the perks of talking to George about the house problems every day.  I am beginning to think they are good friends already.

Today is Wednesday and we just got back from the Temple.  We went to the 7:00 pm Session.  Next week we are going to go earlier.  It was good Session.  The officiator was Papa's golfing buddy.   He is a small Samoan with big smile and so kind to us.  Tonight when I looked around the room we were surrounded by every color, shape and size people.  It was a touch of heaven.

Hawaiian Temple

 That's all for now.  It's after ll:00 pm and I have to get up and go early.  Be good and do something good every single day.  The Church is true, keep living and reading your scriptures.    We pray for you,  sometimes, morning, noon and night, just to make sure you are covered.

Love you.  

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