Sunday, January 12, 2014

January 12, 2014

Time seems to be flying by, it has already been two weeks since we last wrote in our blog.  We have been through our first Christmas and first New Year in Hawaii.  They were both a wonderful exciting time for us as well as a sad time in our not being able to spend the time with our family.  The hawaiian people love to celebrate the new year in with fireworks, you could see them all over the houses of Laie, some legal but many were illegal.  Some were as good as we have seen in St George, Tyler Christensen would have a ball over here lighting all of his fireworks, he usually provides his own show in the Knolls area over the 4th of July.

We spent New Year's eve taking tickets at the PCC, we worked the Ohana Luau, we had a full house that night, Lots of people from all over the world celebrating the new year at the PCC.  We met people from all over the world.

Elder Pollock & Tremea

We had a New Year's eve party at the Cooper's, we had several missionary couples, played games, ate and had a great time.

Elder and Sister Tremea

Elder & Sister Cooper, Logan

Elder & Sister Mikits, Tennessee, Elder & Sister Nielson, Mesa Arizona

Elder & Sister Robinson, St George

As you can see from the picture these senior missionaries are on the old side.  We are all in our mid 60's and early 70's but we can still have fun.  So that you don't get the wrong impression the bottle we are holding is non-alcoholic grape juice, and was very good.  We rang in the New Year with hope in our hearts that we can be the best we can in serving the Lord in the 2014.  We did not quit celebrating until 1:00 am and got home tired, we are not used to the late hours.  Good thing we don't have a new year celebration every night.

2014 we have been learning to make the fire dancers skirts in Costumes.  This was my first fire tea leaf skirt.   The leaves grown in the big garden south of the PCC.  They are all washed and brought to us.  We first strip the center vein and make it pliable to bend.  Then we tie and braid each leaf over a twine.  We make the skirt 36 to 45 inches long.  The ends are braided 15 inches to tie around the fire dancers waist.  The skirts are made and then kept in the fridge.  The dancer removes it from the fridge just before the fire dancing.   The skirt is cold, wet and damp and puts the fire out quickly.  The skirt is used for one week then replaced.   You will see the skirts at the PCC Ha Show.  

We are sewing men's shirts in sewing.  They are looking better.  I have learned a few tricks with sewing shirts too.  I remember before our mission started, I thought I would be giving and serving the people here.  I have been so blessed here.   I have been given more love and taught better ways to live and be happy.  The Hawaiian people live, serve and love each other unconditional.  Material things are far from their daily needs.

My 2014 goals are to be more patient, more kind, more forgiving,  and look for the something good in everyone.  It's easy to forget these things with our hurried daily mission life.

Papa and I have found a great trail from our house up the hill to the point and down the side of the mountain to the beach.  We are trying to get more exercise.  Mainly it's for me, Papa walks to work, but I drive and don't get the early walk.  This seems to be a good thing to try to do after work each night.  The only negative is, if we happen to come home and sit down, it's all over, no walk.  We just have to change clothes and shoes and hit the road.      

We have been having storms pass through Laie.  It's usually sudden and over with blue skies following the rain.  The North Shore still gets the high waves and everyone flocks to surf or watch the waves.  We have driven to Mililani for groceries and gas and stopped to see the waves.  It can be high waves one day and the next very calm.  We are praying for calm days when you come Aimee.  We get what we get and we will simply do all the activities as planned, the way the Hawaiians do.  Hang Loose!

Our Ward has made some big changes since January.  Both Relief Society Presidency's were released today.   Two new presidencies were sustained.  The Bishop is quickly making all the changes since some of the kids graduated and are leaving this month.  We have many new students.  I didn't realize this is a common turnover every semester.  It's hard to stay organized.   I guess it is ever changing.

The weeks are busy and fly by.  We are looking forward to the Barton's coming this week.   It will be fun to show them what we are doing here.  Have a good week, we love and miss you.  It's fun to hear your busy with school and sports again.  Be love to hear about them.
Love and miss you all,
Nona and Papa

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