Monday, May 20, 2013

May 13, 2013

First Week in Paradise...

Dear Family,

Pictures are from drive today to Kaneohe.  We had to register the car.  The mountains were pretty and green and the beach has so many places to snorkel and swim....more on the north shore.  

Also the coops!  Guess which one.

We have so much to do this week, and we are finding out Hawaiians are just slow. This morning we went to get car insurance 30 miles south of here, needed new insurance change from Utah to Hawaii.   Then needed another inspection, although we had one in February.  We couldn't find anyone to do it today so we have to go back again for car registration.  

Dad was so frustrated....we had meeting back at PCC at 2:00 pm it was all a push to get back.  

Tomorrow I start my job.  It's really stressful right now.  The sister training me is very particular....every morning we have devotional with Pres Grace and she wants the glass table cleaned, song books out and chairs just so!!!  This is everyday by 8:15 am.  That’s not bad but the scheduling the missionaries for PCC work is going to be a big deal.  She was telling me we have so much to do for graduation too, she had me really scared.  Finally I asked if we were talking hundreds or thousands for graduation, thinking BYUH PCC students.....and she said oh no, it's graduation for the Missionaries that are leaving... Duh....she really had me reeling.  There are 5 including her leaving by June.   To me that would be called a farewell not graduation!!!  I guess they really give them a send-off however, flowers, pictures, food and dancing for the whole party.  

Right now Dad doesn't know what they are going to do with him.  Changes are being made in the audit department.  It's all Hawaiians doing the changing so he might not have anything to do for a while.  Remember they are really slow....  Wow I thought this was going to be his mission job and I could sit back.  Doesn't look so, I'm right by Pres Grace's office but will be working for "Jimmy" who is over Protocol.  It will keep me busy every day.  All the sisters say I'm glad it's you, that's a big job, so I'm already on my knees.

Hope all is going okay at home.  Beautiful day, sunny and no rain today.

Love and miss you.

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