Friday, October 24, 2014

October 23, 2014

Unfortunately when I start to write on the Blog, its late in the evening and I'm tired.  We have worked all day, then went back to the PCC for tickets until 7:30 pm.  We don't seem tired while working or being away but when we get back to apartment we just flop in the chair or shower and go to bed.  We are real party poops!

On Friday afternoon last week Bill and Stacy Pollack took us to Walmart with them.  We stopped after and checked on the washer.  That was a good idea because we found the washer was on sale. Hopefully we will be able to get it installed before we get home.  Pollacks took us to Chile's for dinner after shopping.    I'm starting to really think our mission is coming to an end!

The next night we went to Turtle Bay for dinner with Elder and Sister Fuller.  It was a good dinner at the Golf Course.  

Elder and Sister Fuller

Elder and Sister Tremea

Ron has been golfing every Saturday at Kahuku Golf Course.  There are about four guys that have been making that a regular event for the past few months.   Rain or shine you will find them all there.

These are some pictures of the changing face of the PCC.  The new Marriott Hotel is starting to take up sky and land space.  All of a sudden it looks very large.  The tower is finished, we don't know what the tower stands for or what they are going to do with it.  Rumor is, they might take it down after they have spent $65,000 to build it!  Go figure that one...

Polynesian Cultural Center

The Tower!!!

Marriott Hotel taking shape along highway

Ocean from George's Deck.  We took Taco Bell Special and ate lunch on the Deck today.

We were invited to the Ricks (Wayne and Nancy) home for dinner after church.  They are a new couple from SLC.  He is working at the PCC helping to keep the air conditioning working and Nancy works with me in Costumes in the morning and at the Settlement in the afternoon.  They are a good asset to the PCC.  Both are excited to be here and willing to serve anywhere.  We enjoyed the evening with them in their home.  They are living where Elder Palmer and his wife lived when we first arrived.  We have asked Elder Ricks to take over "George's House".  He's thinking about it.  We took them up there today to show them the house.  George has a good young man helping him now.  He is honest and keeps the house and gardens ready for visitors.  Ron is ready to pass the house calls over to a new missionary.  Hope it works out.

Elder and Sister Ricks having lunch with us at the Banyon Tree at PCC

Tuesday was a big day for us.  We had our exit interview with President Grace.  He was nice and gracious.  We told him our concerns where we worked and visited with him for about an hour. President Grace's secretary was out of town for the week and Sister Petty forgot we were coming so we didn't get our flower lai's and gifts.  President Grace felt bad.  I had made him a cool scarf to wear when mowing his lawn and when it's hot.  He thought it was great and wanted PCC to make and sell them.  He has been only one interested.   We also met with the PCC Board of Directors.  President Grace asked them where our gifts were….four men jumped up and left room and came back with large jar of red licorice and said they couldn't find the gifts.  It was funny.  We just laughed.  I did feel bad we didn't get flowers however.

President Grace with Cool wrap

Wednesday it rained most of the day.  We decided to get our flu shot during lunch break.  I am glad we have that taken care the flu shot before we come home.   After work we hurried changed and made the 5:00 pm session at the temple.  Wayne and Nancy Ricks went with us.   It was a small session and we were finished quickly.  We then went to Kackle Fresh and had Fish and Chips. Finally, we have good fresh fish in Laie.

Everyone is starting to tell us good-bye.  Not many more days.  I finished a shirt today…almost looked perfect.

I asked Fatai if she would hire me to stay and sew so I could afford to stay in Hawaii.  It will be different not spending time each day with the people I have learned to love.  But, I am missing my family more!   Friends at Seamstress…..



Ivy from China

Jessica and Viti from Hong Kong

My Student Friends.  Jessica, UKai, Viti and Ivy

New Sisters, Faye Nelson and Karen Martineau

     Goofy Girls!

Both Sisters are new in

We worked tonight at the PCC.   We took some pictures of the pig and the other Missionaries working with us.  We ate together at Prime Dining.

Pig for Dinner

Student Chef

Fellow Missionaries, Elder and Sister Anderson, Elder Tremea, Elder and Sister Fuller and Elder and Sister Rose

Kuhuku High School Football is so big here we had to buy some T-shirts.    This was painted on the Kuhuku High School wall outside the store.  We found shirts and T-shirts that were 7X.  I have made a 5X and I thought that was big.  

The games are on TV.  The crowds are so big and the fans get so excited the games are played in Honolulu at the Stadium.  They have been winning and are going into the State Finals.  There is a game tonight and we have been watching it on TV.   Maybe we should have our new shirts on?

Every morning I walk to work and I see these beautiful water lilies in the Lagoon. 

They poke up from the dirty water and garbage around them.  It makes me think of you, my children and grandchildren, that have to live in this world full of garbage, yet you rise above the dirty water like the lilies and are clean and beautiful working and reaching for light.  I am so proud of you for facing each day with obstacles, yet you keep covenants and commandments of the Lord and are trying to be good.  You will be blessed.

We love you.  We send hugs.
Nona and Papa

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

October 14, 2014

Our days are passing by quickly now.  We have been very busy with our Student Ward and working.
We enjoyed Conference.  We were able to watch the second session at 10:00 am and the first session early on iPad.  Thus, we didn't have to leave home.   One of my favorite speakers was Elder Ballard, talking about the Old Ship Zion.  Remember rule number one is, stay in the boat kids!  I was so glad he explained how important it is to stay in the boat.  I hope you all get to reread his talk and think about it.

Maddie and partner

On Friday in Salt Lake City our granddaughter Maddie Barton and her partner played in the State Tennis tournament.   We got this picture with their smiles after they won their first two matches at State in the doubles competition.  This is a great accomplishment.   Unfortunately they lost their first set on Saturday and were eliminated.  We are very proud of Maddie and her partner for their hard work and dedication to their high school Deseret Hills in St George. Next year they will have a good shot at winning a State Championship.  Way to go Maddie, we love you.

Yesterday, was our P-day and we found a new Farmers Market near Hale'iwa near the old Sugar Mill.  We bought fresh fruits and veggies.  We are getting bananas from the PCC now.  They have been cutting racks down and distributing them to almost everyone walking out from work.  We have green, yellow and black ones.  All are ready to eat in a day or two.  We stopped at the Soap Factory at the old Sugar Mill too.  It was fun to see the soap process.   We came back and met BYU couples and went to see "Meet the Mormons".   We went to eat at North Shore Taco and laughed so hard at our mission stories.  That was our big night on the town in Laie.   What did you think of the show?

Thursday we went to Honolulu to see Doctor.  I had x-rays on tooth with root canal last spring. Everything looked good for his $1,200 bill!  We parked in the building parking lot and we expected the Dentist would pay for parking, boy were we wrong.  Since we did not have to pay for the visit he would not pay for the parking, great guy, cost us $12 to park.  We then drove to find the Royal Hawaiian Hotel.   We parked car at the Marriott Courtyard and walked down to to see the oldest Hotel in Hawaii, the Royal Hawaiian on Waikiki.  It was built in 1927.  It has a colorful history of famous people coming over on the Matson Shipping line and staying at the hotel for two or three months.   It's still a pink building and expensive rooms.

Mai Tai Cafe

We stopped outside at the pool Cafe and had a $27 hamburger and diet coke.  We were sitting on beach and had beautiful view.  I guess that made it all worth it.  We will remember the short time we spent checking out the famous Hotel and eating for a long time.

We were able to see Elder and Sister Mayfield and have dinner with them at the El Charro Mexican restaurant before driving to Costco and home on the North Shore.   It was already dark so we didn't see the big waves today.  It had been windy and high waves were predicted.   It is dark by 7:15 pm now so our days are getting shorter.

For our FHE tonight President Grace and his wife Valarie talked to us.  He is the President of the PPC. He is from New Zealand and is about 6'7 but is a very loving man.  He is also Stake President of the Student Married Stake. He told us that the PCC reports directly to the First Presidency of the Church, the only other church entity that reports that way is the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.  The PCC is a very strong recruiting source for new converts.  One of the directives of the PCC is to train BYUH students that come from poor circumstances how to work, they are paid which helps pay for their education.  After they graduate they will be able to go back to their own countries and be strong leaders in the Church.  Working at the PCC helps them get jobs in their country along with their education.  It is a very important opportunity for these young people.

The above picture is of the Hukilau Beach.  This is the place where the idea for the PPC got started.   A Hukilau is a Hawaii gathering party.  They put their boats in the water with their nets and go out about a 100 yards and start back in.  The fish are trapped and then the people on shore would gather up the fish and have a Hukilau party.  Many tourists started traveling to Laie to participate in the Hukilau and the Church saw it as an opportunity to present the cultures of the Polynesian Islands of Hawaii, Tonga, Samoa, Fiji,  Tahiti and New Zealand.  The PCC opened in 1963 with a Prophetic blessing from President McKay that millions of people would come to see this place and the culture presentation.  This blessing has come true and many millions have visited the PCC over the past 51 years.  It is expected that millions more will attend in next 50 years.

Love and miss you all,
Looking forward to seeing you soon.  Sending hugs and love,
Nona and Papa

Saturday, October 4, 2014

October 4, 2014

At Family Home Evening this week, brother Christensen from BYU came and talked to us.  He has spoke at BYU Education Week and been a Mission President.  He talked on missionary service and missionary work.    It was a spiritual meeting.  He expressed his testimony and love for the Savior and ended testifying of the truthfulness of the gospel.  He said each of us was sacrificing to be here and told us everything will work out for good.   He told us he had just been diagnosed with cancer. We had worked at the PCC that night taking tickets so we barely made the meeting.   We have new missionaries both at BYU and PCC arriving.  The audience looked different to me.  Many couples and missionaries that I don't know very well.   Many couples we know well have finished their mission and  gone home.

On Wednesday we drove to Kanohaoe to the Farmers Market at the Mall.  We had heard about it but never been able to go.  Sister Cardnal would always bring us red beets from the Market.  We went with Fullers and found we had been missing a great way to pick up fresh vegetables and fruits.  We drove over after work and picked up beets, bananas, bread, onions, celery, and more.  Everything looked fresh and yummy.  We were all hungry while shopping so everything looked good.  We finished shopping for vegetables and went to a restaurant to eat.   The weather is changing, the sun is setting by 7:00 pm now.  We drove home in the dark and it was raining hard.

Farmers Market

Pounding Poi at the Market

They take the taro root and mash it up to make poi.  It's very much like a potato.  A staple for the Polynesians.  It has a bland taste  

The girls in our Relief Society are so on the ball.  I love these girls.  They don't need as much help as Papa's Elders do.  The girls seem to be on top of VT and lessons and music.  We had over 80 to Relief Society this week. Becca will be leaving on her mission right after Conference Weekend.  She will be missed.  Her Father passed away suddenly about 6 years ago and she has been working and putting herself through school since.  A mission will be great for her.

Relief Society Presidency, Nana, Secretary. Nina, President; Becca, 2st Counselor

Becca and Nina after Becca's Farewell
Saturday we had signed up to go on the new Zip line in Kahuku.  I decided it was about time to try this before I die….on my bucket list!   We had a good time.  It was very safe and smooth.  We rode up top of the mountain on four wheeler and had 7 different zip lines to get back down.  It was breathtaking.  Ron was the only male leader in our group…sounds like heaven right?  We had one couple from Germany, a father with his daughter that went with out group.  The rest were all single sisters here.

Our Group

This was a bit more than a Zip Line….Obstacle Course too.

View from above

Safety First

We could see gardens and fields of vegetables, banana trees and papaya fields

Sisters Price, Smith,Despain,Miyasaki,Tilly,Pollock,Johnson,Nielsen, Tremea, Elder Tremea

Saturdays seem to come by so fast.  We are busy working all week and sometimes drive to Milliani for supplies and gas after work.  In seamstress this past week Jessica announced she was pregnant. She is from Hong Kong.  Their culture does not divulge they are pregnant until after three months.   Maybe that's so the wife has to be sick the first 3 months in secret!  Anyway, we were all thrilled for her.  Apparently, she has been feeling pretty sick.  Eliza was excited and you can see in the picture.
Eliza and Jessica

Elder and Sister Petty at Kahuku Grill 

Last night we spent the evening with Elder and Sister Petty.  We went to Kahuku to the Kahuku 
Grill for food and then went to the Beach and watched the sunset.  I will always be grateful for Sister Petty.  She was the sister that took over my first job as coordinator of the Missionaries and scheduling for Luau's.   They are from Texas.  It's a second marriage and they have 12 children between them. One of Elder Petty's sons lives at Stone Cliff in St George.  Maybe we will see them after the mission.

Snow Administration Building
This is the Snow Building and is the Administration building for both BYUH and PCC.  It is also where Elder Tremea works.

We are looking forward to listening to Conference this weekend.  We will receive it live four hours later.  We are able to get it on the internet with our Computer.  We are anxious to listen and hear our beloved Prophet and Counselors.  We hope you at home are able to listen with your family and loved ones too.

We miss and love all of you.  We are counting the weeks, days now.  It brings mixed feelings and anxiousness.   We actually have many things to do to get ready to come home.  

Love you, Nona and Papa

We leave with a little Quote, and are blessed with the Gift of the Holy Ghost.

“The Gift of the Holy Ghost. . . quickens all the intellectual facilities, increases, enlarges, expands, and purifies all the natural passions and affections; and adapts them, by the gift of wisdom, to their lawful use. It inspires, develops, cultivates and matures all the fine toned sympathies, joys, tastes, kindred feelings, and affections of our nature. It inspires virtue, kindness, goodness, tenderness, gentleness, and charity. It develops beauty of a person, form and feature. It tends to health, vigor, animation, and social feeling. It invigorates all the faculties of the physical and intellectual man. It strengthens, and gives tone to the nerves. In short, it is, as it were, marrow to the bone, joy to the heart, light to the eye, music to the ears, and life to the whole being.”

Parley P. Pratt, Key to the Science of Theology