Sunday, November 9, 2014

October 27, 2014

Thursday I didn't go into work until 11:00 am.  I took some empty containers into boss Cathy and did my last papaya run.  I was early, so it was the first time I was in the store first.  More selection this time.  I purchased enough for next Tuesday.  After, I went to Ron's Farewell Party.  They combined it with Halloween and a great spread of food.  They had chicken and beef and all the trimmings.  It was probably the most fun the business office has had in a long time.  They gave us more gifts.  They gave me a dress and a shirt for Ron, Ukeule for Ron, candy, flowers, hugs and love.   I think he will be missed.  The students love him.  Larry doesn't talk much, but he did give the prayer.  It was fun, they even had a fortune teller…she read our fortune!

Maka and her big cup cake

Joseph dressed up
with a horses head

Roger and Sister Myasaki

Roger, Sister Tremea

Paul from China

Elder & Sister Robinson and Sister and Elder Tremea

Robinson's, Tremea's
and Greer's

Kirk Johnson, Tremea's
Kirk Johnson is now working for BYU-H.   He used to play soccer with Mike at Davis High School

Frankie and Felicia
from Malaysia
Below is Cyril from the Philippines and Batsey Chagdaa from Mongolia.  Batsey is my student accountant.  She started working in April 2014 and will be in the office for another year.  She is very smart and will do well in her career.  She wants to get married, she is a returned Missionary and a beautiful young woman.  She wants to move back to Mongolia when she is finished.  Cyril has graduated and was an intern in the payroll office.  She is married to a young man from the mainland and will probably move to Utah when she graduates.

Left:  Cyril from Philippine
Right:  Batsey from Mongolia

Elder Tremea, Maka and Sister Tremea 

Maka playing ukulele

Our business office staff
Above  are the people I worked with, I know most of them, some also worked in the HR office.  the first four people on the left worked in HR, on the first row is Batsey, Cyril, Tremea's, Gail, Renon, Sister Pollock, Larry, Joseph Sonne, Maka, Lindie, Frankie, Felicia, Hal and Sister Robinson.  This was a great group to work with, always friendly, willing to help and devoted to their jobs.
Joseph and his horses head

Joseph with out his horses head

Bishop Liva and his wife Matilda

On Thursday night we went to dinner with Bishop Liva and Matilda.  He is from Samoa and is a very loving man.  He always gives hugs when you see him.  He loves his student ward members and keeps trying to get them to come to church.   Sister Liva is a kind and loving sister, and is a great cook.  She is always feeding the students.
Elder Tremea and Bishop Wasden

Friday we met Bishop and Sister Wasden at the PCC Banyon Tree.  He will be taking a sabbatical in January at UVC.  His family will be moving back to the mainland at the end of the school year.  We might be able to see them more if they are living here on the mainland. They are great friends.

Friday night we worked at the Aloha Exit.  Great place to be.  We were able to see the Luau Show. This will be the last time.  The round desert table collapsed while we were there.  The students did a quick cleanup in less then 10 minutes.  The kids work hard.  It was a rainy night and guests were not friendly and happy.  These nights everyone works harder to make sure the guests are happy.

The Desert Table

Papa talking on phone by the Desert Table

Tables ready for the Luau 
The Mayfields were coming out to have dinner and go to the "Breath of Life" Show with us.  They were delayed because of the weather and traffic.  We met them after work and took them to Prime Dining.  After dinner we attended the "Ha Show".  It was a good show tonight.  Nina, our RS President was the Bride, Mother and Dancer.  She posed for us after the show with some of the cast. We love these kids.

Breath of Life Show Cast after the show
Nina in center is our RS President in our Student Ward

Warrior Faces

This is Pipiki she is Boss Cathy's 7 year old daughter.  It was Halloween and she was all dressed up.
After the show we told Mayfields goodbye and went backstage to the Cast Talent Show.  We stayed another two hours watching these talented kid's compete with one another.  It was the last night for their competition.  They had worked hard with David on the skits and dancing.  It was loud, funny and fun to watch.  We never left the theater until after midnight.  At midnight they were serving clam chowder and bread.  This is show business. 

Saturday morning Ron went to play golf for the last time with his buddies at the golf course by the beach.  He has been golfing with Frank Buttell from our Bishopric.  He is a good golfer.  Fun and funny guy.  He can cook too.  He also golfs with Grant Nelson and Wayne Ricks.

Frank is about 6'4"  He is standing on ground floor, I am on first step and Papa is on second step at the HJG Building

Saturday night our friends from BYU-H met for the last time at Turtle Bay by the pool too eat and watch the sun go down.  The waves were big and surfers were busy catching the perfect wave in the water before the sun slipped away.    Some pictures of our friends.

Elder and Sister Harris

Elder and Sister Bott

Elder and Sister Randell
The Randell's are from St George…their granddaughter plays tennis with Maddie.  We helped them get to Hawaii on their Mission.

Last Beautiful Sunset

Sunday was Fast Day and a hard goodbye day.  We were greeted with leis and hugs.  The students all told us goodbye.  I hope to see them again someday.  Many are hoping to come to the mainland to further their education.  We stayed to Break the Fast at the Ward and then went to the Senior Missionaries Break the Fast.  We had a good time eating yummy food together.

These were some of the Leis we were given this week

Sunday night we went to see some of our married student friends.  This is Sarah and Kevin.  We took them to the hospital to pick up their baby from the hospital.  He had to stay for a few days and the kids didn't have a car to go pick up their baby.  He is one year old now.

Sarah and Kevin

Both Tyler and Sarah are going to school in accounting majors.  They are competitive with each other!
Grandma from China is living with them taking care of the baby so they can go to school..  They want to continue their education in Utah after graduation.  
Father Wade and Tyler
He's on the move.

Monday Ron went into work and met with the new Missionary that will be taking his place.  I cleaned out the fridge and packed.  Trying to clean and pack and discard has been our mission for the last few days when we are home.  It's a bigger job than I thought it would be.  We did windows, walls and baseboards, and just have shower and floor to go.   This is a little place too.  Maybe that's why it's hard to clean.  I have to move something to clean, then put it back to make space to clean the next spot.  

Family Home Evening was Monday night.   We had requested Elder Lund to do some music.  He planned a cute program of music, songs and humor reading (Underella) by Elder Anderson.  He was very funny.  We said our goodbyes and gave hugs to everyone.  Hopefully we will get to see some of our mission friends again in our lifetime.  All the missionaries sang the Aloha OE Song to us.

Our good friend Sina.  
The above picture is our good friend Sina Fonoimoana, we have known her since we arrived in the Mission.  She is such a kind person and a real go-getter.  She was the Relief President in our YSA 5th ward.  She helped us understand the Polynesian customs and culture.  We love her dearly.

Sister Petty and Sister Cindy Clark at Family Home Evening

Now is the hour when we must say goodbye.
Soon you'll be sailing far across the sea.
While you're away, oh, friend, remember me.
When you return you'll find me waiting here.

Far away places, with strange-sounding names
Far away over the sea.
Those far away places with their strange-soundin' names
Are callin', callin' me.


4.  "ALOHA, OE'  (Chorus, 2X plus Tag ending)
Aloha, 'oe, Aloha 'oe
E ke ona ona noho i ka lipo
One fond embrace,
A ho'i a'e au
Until we meet again.


Tuesday we finished packing and had lunch with the Ricks at the Cackle Fresh for fish and chips. (another last!)   We drove around town and the north shore for one last time.  These are some of the pictures we took.

New Marriott Courtyard hotel under construction.  It will be ready in Summer 2015

The coops, hotel where Missionaries stay on a temporary basis
It is very run down and not a nice place to stay

Pounders Beach

View of scenery by Ponders beach

More scenery

Winter season pro surfing championships headquarters

One last picture at the Point

Our favorite fruit stand owned by  Brother and Sister Mahe 

Our last night we ate at the PCC.  We bought tickets for kids and friends.   Our friends the Fullers were there with their family.   We helped them with Island Buffet tickets for their family.

Our favorite missionary friends still in the Mission Field
Elder and Sister Fuller

Wednesday morning at 4:30 AM  Elder and Sister Pollack came to take us to the airport.  It was quick drive in with no traffic.  We bought some leis for the kids at the airport and were dropped off.  We had to juggle one bag it was over the limit about 2 pounds!!!  Then we were off.  Flying over the sea.

Elder and Sister Pollock
This couple will be good friends forever…they live in Ephraim, UT

One of our last sunsets at Turtle Bay


We were greeted at Las Vegas with two of our children and six of our grandchildren.  They looked so good to us.  We love all our children.   Mark and Becky and family are in Bountiful and couldn't be here.  We miss and love them too.

Our kids met us at the Las Vegas Airport

Kids put sign on Harold Tanner's yard welcoming us home

The final sign on our garage.  Kids did a great job
On Thursday night we were released by President Ricks from our Mission.  President Topham was our Stake President when we left, he was a great Stake President and helped us to get ready for our Mission.

Our Mission to the Polynesian Culture Center in Hawaii was a wonderful experience.  We enjoyed the students we came in contact with and all of the other missionaries that made our Mission a success.

We know for sure we will never feel and look at other cultures the same way  This experience has changed us.  We will never be completely at home again, because part of our hearts will always be elsewhere.  They say this is the price one pays for the richness of loving and knowing people in more than one place.

God lives, he knows and loves each one of us.  He has heard and answered our prayers while we were on our mission.  The Prophet Joseph Smith brought forth the Book of Mormon for us and this generation.  We have a living Prophet, President Monson, who leads, guides and gives us divine direction for our day.  We are grateful to know these things are true, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

"And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God."  Mosiah 2:17

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

October 26, 2014

This week has been a mixed bag.  Emotions have been all at the service.  We have made so many friends they all feel like family away from home.

Friday night October 24, we went with a group of friends to Koneohe to the Haleiva Jo's Restaurant. It's a favorite of ours and they wanted to take us.  It was a beautiful night, and the fish dinner was oh so good.  Will be a long time for us to be able to come back here.  Good friends, fun night.

Fun Group of Missionaries!

Ron and Cathy

Wayne and Nancy Ricks

Deon and Gary Fuller

Bill and Stacy Pollack

Grant and Marlene Nielson

Terry and Ellen Johnson & Eddie

Our view while eating dinner.

Saturday we had our Stake Conference in the morning at 10:00 am.  Ron had an earlier Priesthood meeting with the young men.  It was a choice meeting.  Elder Pollack and Elder Lee talked. Unfortunately we didn't have the big attendance we had hoped for.  I think the Youth that made the effort to attend are the valiant ones.  They will be the leaders of the Church tomorrow.

The Ricks invited us over for Sunday Dinner.  We had a nice visit with them and Pollacks.  The Pollacks will go home in January.  They are anxious to get home too.  Ricks have just started heir mission and are enthusiastic and eager.  We just feel tired.  It's time for a change I guess.

Monday morning we drove our car to Honolulu to the boat.  Fullers followed us to bring us back.  It was a beautiful morning and we enjoyed the sunrise and ocean on the East side.  It took two hours to get the car on it's way.  After we went to our favorite Mexican Restaurant to eat, El Charro's.  It's a hole in the wall, but has really fresh good food.

This little car just got off the boat!  Notice driver is on right side of the car.

We stopped at Costco for prescriptions and gas.  When we got to the Dole Plantation we decided we needed pineapple ice-cream so we had to stop there.  I wanted to get a Pineapple Hat for Halloween too.  The ice cream was yummy.  They always have the fresh pineapple piled over the top of the ice-cream.  We drove home byway of the North Shore.  It looked like a big pond, no waves tonight.

We arrived home early enough to go to Family Home Evening.  A group talked about sponsoring endowments for the students education.  There is a good video called the Hukilau Principle found on BYUH site under Endowments/Entrepreneur.

My last day in Seamstress I repaired the American Flag.
Ivy  (from China) and Ukey(from Hong Kong)  were with me talking while I repaired the Flag.
This is the new crew in Costumes.  Left to Right…Sister Ricks, Sister Tremea, Sister Smith, Patai, Student from Fiji, Sister Dispain, Fatue and Cathy.
Patai looks big, and he is, but he's as gentle and kind as anyone I know.  

Tuesday was a regular working day.  Fatue invited me for lunch.  We had breadfruit and spam.   I must have been hungry because for some reason it tasted good to me.  I took home half of the breadfruit for Ron's lunch along with the spam.

Spam and Breadfruit 

Breadfruit is put in microwave for 20 minutes to cook.  It was very moist and tasted like a potato.

I have collected the zipper hooks from all the zippers I have replaced in the Costume Department.

Erik Rush a famous Rugby player was at BYU-H on the field with students.  We stopped to watch their workout.  He is the big guy in the green shirt.

Erik Rush
Coming to work Wednesday it was raining hard.  We drove in from the back entrance and noticed this fancy drain pipe from the roof of the building.  This is typical Polynesian plumbing and storm drains.

Cool Water Drain…..wonder where this water is collected to come out of the pipe?

Wednesday was my Farewell Party in Costume/Seamstress.  It was held in the Seamstress Room.
It was good, not quite as fun as Coopers, but good.  Too many tears.  I guess I'm too serious without Cooper here.  They gave me a pieced quilt and candy and Lai's.  Cathy and Fatue game me a black pearl ring and a bracelet from Samoa.  We had good food and entertainment.

Speeches….Fatai kept telling me not to look at her…we would both cry!

Left to Right, Students, Ivy, Ukey, Jessica, Vitti, Fatai, Elizza and me loaded with flowers and leis.


Students, Fatai and Elizza

Jessica from Hong Kong….,

Elder and Sister Ricks and Sister and Elder Tremea

Sister Smith with us

Cannon from India, Sister and Elder Tremea

I worked in Costumes in the morning and made two tablecloths from the fun fabrics.  Cathy said it was okay that I sewed my own!  We laughed about it.  We were short handed and Cathy was doing the wash and Sister Ricks and I were doing the mending and the sail.  Everyone was busy.

This concludes our Wednesday.  I was exhausted.  We came home and started to clean apartment.  We packed two boxes to be sent home Fed Ex.  Not sure how to get everything home, nor what to do with it once there.  I'm going to end this blog and start another because we have so many pictures. Looking forward to coming home.  Already seems like a dream that we will wake up soon.
Love and miss you.
Nona and Papa